22. Reveal

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1 month later

It's been a month since Tyler confessed. April won't talk to any of us and we've been avoiding Tyler. He calls but I don't pick up, and when he tries to visit, I tell the gateman to send him away. Tyler and April avoid each other at church too. Well, Tyler tries to talk to her so many times but she ignores him. He even told her he loved her in front of the Sunday school but she didn't even respond. I don't want to feel bad for him because what he did was disgusting but everyone should forgive at some point, right? Speaking of forgiveness, Lena is also avoiding me which I'm fine with because it means no trouble.

"Anima, Danny is here. Let's go." my mom calls from the living room, and I pick my head up from over the toilet.

"Ok, ma. Just a second." I tell her, before I vomit into the toilet again. This morning sickness was so aggravating.

My mom, Danny, and I are going for my second ultrasound. My mom was happy when Danny said he would come because the doctor said we could find out the gender today. I'm so excited and I know Danny is too.

I barf again and scrunch my nose up in disgust. When I'm done, I flush the toilet and rinse my mouth. I carefully make my way downstairs and meet Danny at the bottom.

"Good morning Ohemaa." he greets me, placing a kiss on my cheek.

"Good morning." I say with a smile.

I hear someone clear their throat.

"Hm, since no one wants to greet me, I'll go start the car." my mom says sarcastically and we both laugh.

"Good morning mommy." we both say and she laughs at us.

"I'm so happy you guys are together again. I felt bad knowing you guys were not talking for a while." she says and we both look at her with surprised faces.

"How did you know?" I ask and she scoffs at us.

"It was so obvious. Herhh, you guys cannot outsmart me oo. Let me go start the car." she says, while walking out of the house.

We giggle and once she leaves, Danny pecks my lips.

"What were you doing up there?" he asks me, putting his arm over me.

"Throwing up. I dislike morning sickness so much."

He looks at me with a sympathetic look.

"Sorry, it's all my fault."

I hit him playfully.

"It's not your fault. It takes two to tango."

He shrugs and we walk out of the house, towards my mom's car. Danny opens the back door for me and we both sit in the backseat.

My mother starts driving, and turns the radio on. She puts on some love song and I see her glance at us through her mirror. I roll my eyes playfully at her. She's very interesting. Danny chuckles at her.

"So are you guys excited to find out the gender?" she asks us and Danny answers quickly.


My mother raises her eyebrows.

"Eii, Danny. Which gender do you want?"

He looks at me with a smile.

"I want a girl because she'll be just as beautiful as her mother. Plus I wanna spoil her."  he says with a cheesy smile and I blush madly.

My mother laughs.

"You're a smart boy."

I look at Danny.

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