8. Messed up

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I was walking through the town and I come across some girls I know from church playing jump rope. I smile and run over to them, wanting to join in their game. When they see me, they stop smiling and they put the rope away.

"What do you want?" One asks me with an attitude.

"I just wanted to play? What's wrong?" I ask her, confused.

"Do you think we want to play with a slut?" the other one questions me and I gasp.

"Excuse me?" I ask her in shock.

"Excuse yourself. At your age, you're pregnant because you sleep with guys. Please leave, I don't want to be pregnant like you." the first one says and my eyes widen. How did they find out?

"Who ever said I was pregnant?" I ask, trying to play cool.

"After that whole vomit scene at church two days ago, it's pretty obvious." the second one says, before scanning me up and down and leaving with the other one following her.

I stand there in shock. I cannot have people finding out about this. I'm already ashamed myself.


Everywhere I walk, I hear people calling me a slut. A simple walk turned into a nightmare. Everyone in town knows and I still don't know how it spread that quickly.

I was walking back home, when I hear someone calling my name. I turn around and see Tyler. He runs up to me, out of breath.

"Please tell me it's not true..are you pregnant?" he says, holding my arms. I look around before I sadly nod. His eyes widen and his jaw clenched. Now I'm going to lose another friend. Great.

I hug him tightly and shake my head.

"I'm sorry." I say quietly.

"You slept with him." he says sadly, not even questioning me. 

Before I can respond, I feel someone pull me off of Tyler. I look up and see Danny, and my heart flutters.

Danny throws a punch at Tyler and I gasp. I quickly get in between them and put my hands between them.

"Stop, stop! What's going on?" I say, but Danny pushes past me and gets in Tyler's face.

"Are you happy! This is what you wanted, isn't it?" Danny yells in Tyler's face, and Tyler pushes him.

"Guys, please stop. I'm tired of this." I say louder, but they don't care.

"Don't be jealous, Danny. In 9 months, you can try for your turn." Tyler says to Danny, and Danny pushes him onto the ground.

"What are you talking about?" I ask him on the ground. Danny laughs and glares at me.

"So you're a slut and a liar." he says to me and I gasp.

"What did you just call me?" I ask him, weakly. I never would have expected it from him.

I walk up to him and slap him. Hard. His face flips back and he turns slowly to me. I see a surprised look on his face.

"You said you loved me."  I whispered , tears welling in my eyes.

"And then you slept with him!" he yells , with a foreign anger in his face.

"What?" I scream, looking at Tyler.

"Tyler..." I start and he smiles at me.

"Anima, don't you remember? The day you came over and you fell asleep. Wow, I didn't know I was that good." Tyler says, making Danny push him viciously.

"I never slept with you." I tell him, starting to cry. All I've been doing is crying lately. Danny really messed me up.

"Yes you did. You just don't remember. Danny walked in when your clothes were off." he says and I look at Danny, who is fuming.

"Here's a picture. You asked me to take one during it." Tyler says, showing me his phone. I looked at it to see us laying together on the bed. I was in my bra and underwear and my face was hidden from the camera, and he was lying next to me shirtless. I feel my breath hitch in my throat..no! This cannot be happening. I'd never do this to Danny.

I quickly look to Danny and shake my head.

"I-I'm  so sorry, Danny. This has got to be some kind of mistake."

He shakes his head and glares at me.

"What do you take me for? I confess my love for you and then you go and do that. If you didn't feel the same, all you had to do was say. You didn't have to...hurt me like this." he starts, and I see tears in his eyes.

"And now you're pregnant and it's not mine--"

"You don't know that. I slept with you first." I said, more tears falling.

"And you slept with him last. I...I wasn't enough for you, I get it. You didn't need to do this. Look at me, crying over a girl like you. You really messed me up. " he continues, more tears welling in his eyes.

"A girl like me?" I question.

"A liar, a slut. This is not the Anima I fell in love with. I don't even know who you are anymore. Just stay away from me so I can have peace in my life." he states before walking away.

I sob and turn to Tyler. He has an unreadable look on his face. He tries to hug me and I push him away.

"I never want to see you again." I say, running away.

Mine (an African love story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें