6. What?

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The next day, our gateman(Kwame) and I were on the verandah playing a board game.

"Herrh, don't be smart and cheat me. I'm an expert at this game." Kwame says jokingly.

I laugh and I throw the dice. Before I can even make my moves, we hear knocking on our gate. I pause the game to be fair and I look towards the door as Kwame goes to open it. The knocking happens again and I stand up to see who it could be. Kwame opens the gate and it's Danny on the other side.

"Danny! Good morning." I say, waving at him with a smile. He ignores me and looks at Kwame.

"I just wanted to make sure she was home. So, I'll be leaving now." Danny says to Kwame. The disgust that he used to say 'she' almost made me break down and cry.

I quickly make my way over to him.

"Danny, wait." I say to him, but he just turns around and leaves .

* *
I haven't seen Danny in a week. I honestly don't understand what I did to him. I thought we made up at the mall. I can't even ask him what happened because he's not picking up my calls or texts, and everytime I go to his house, his gate man claims that he's not home.

But today, my mom is going to their house to visit Danny 's mom. My mother and his mother are close friends so they like to see each other as much as they can. I asked my mother if I could tag along and she agrees.

So we get in her car and drive to their house. When we get there, my mom knocks on the door and the gate man immediately opens up. He bows down to my mom and greets her and I.

"Eii, Nana!" my mother says when she sees Danny's mom. They hug and kiss each other's cheeks.

"Anima, how are you?" his mother asks me. I bend down and smile.

"Ma, I'm fine, thank you."

They sit down on the seats in their verandah and I stand, awkwardly staring at them. I really wanted to see Danny but I didn't want to bring it up.

"Oh, medo, Danny is inside. In fact, let me call him for you." his mother tells me. I smile and nod.

"Danny, please come here!" she yells out. I hear him say "okay" from inside and I feel my heart beat get faster. This was my best friend, I shouldn't be this nervous to see him.

He comes out, looking as fine as ever. He pauses when he sees me and he glares. He sees my mother and smiles.

"Good afternoon, ma. How are you?" he asks her, giving her a hug.

"I'm fine, darling. Eii, you've gotten taller." my mom exclaims, and I giggle at the cliche line that Africans always use. Danny laughs and his mother smiles.

"Anima, would you like anything to drink?" his mother asks me and I politely say 'no'. She asks my mom and my mom also says no.

They go back to their conversation and I look at Danny, who has moved farther away from our parents. I walk over to him.

"Danny." I say, but he acts like he hasn't heard me.

"Danny." I say louder, and he sucks his teeth. I gasp and shake my head.

"What did I do to you? I don't understand why you've been treating me like this!" I angrily whisper to him.

"You know what you did. Don't act dumb, Anima. What do I look like to you?" he angrily responds.

I shake my head as tears well in my eyes.

"I'm sorry for whatever I did. Just please don't do this to me. I love you."

He bitterly laughs.

"Bull crap. You don't love me." he yells, waving me off. Our parents finally look over here, with concerned looks.

I gasp and tears start falling down my face. He's never done that before and I feel like my heart just broke. I hold his hand but he quickly pulls away.

"Are you guys okay? What's going on?" my mom asks us. Before I could even respond, I feel something rising up my throat. I quickly run to their garbage bag and I throw up everything in my mouth. I start coughing and vomiting at the same time, as I hear everyone's worried reactions.

After all the vomit comes out, I rinse my mouth out with the water pipe they have. I turn to see them all staring at me. Danny's mother looks worried and Danny holds me as I feel dizzy. My mom, however, looks suspicious. She waved me over to her and she feels my forehead.

"Are you sick?" she asks, feeling for my temperature. I shake my head and I shrug.

"I don't know what happened."

My mom eyes me up and down, and her gaze stops at my chest. She looks at my breasts before she feels them. I giggle because it tickled.

"Mom, stop." I say, playfully.

"Anima, I feel like your chest has gotten bigger. Danny, come look at your friend 's chest." my mom instructs. I blush and look at Danny, who's blushing and scratching his neck.

"Ma, I can't do that." he timidly says, with a slight laugh. His mother walks over to me and looks at my chest.

"Aane(Yes), your breasts have grown." she also confirms.

My mom pulls down my lower eye lid and stares at it. She gasps.

"Anima, what have you done?" she exclaims.

"Wait, what happened?" I ask, scared. Danny walks over to us.

"Everything shows that you are pregnant." she exclaims, and I gasp.

I start to cry and I fall to the ground.

"I...I can't be pregnant. Mom, you aren't sure."

Danny stands there, his mouth wide open. His mom helps me stand up and takes me inside the house.

"Danny's older sister has pregnancy tests in the house even though she thinks I don't know. I'm going to take one for you and you will test it right now. " she says and I nod.

* *

I was waiting for the results of the two tests I took, just to be sure. I was anxious. I can't be a mother, I'm not ready. I'm going to have to give up so many things. I thought about the father. This was definitely Danny's baby. He's the only one I've had sex with. Will he even be supportive? He sure hates me right now and I don't know why.

The timer I set rings and I sigh. I pick up the two tests. Positive. Both of them. I drop them and cry out. I was shaking and crying. What am I going to do?

I walk back out to the verandah and when they see me crying, they knew it was true.

"Mommy, I'm sorry." I  say, crying into her chest. I know she's disappointed but right now, she just wants to comfort me.

Danny's mother hugs me from behind and comforts me as well. I leave their embrace and look at Danny. He has tears running down his face and he doesn't look at me.

I hold his hand but he lets go again.

"Don't touch me. Just don't. I hope you're happy. I'm done with you." he says to me, before going back inside and slamming the door.

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