"N-no I'm getting him a bucket," I lift it up to him while turning my face to the side,I feel my eyes sting because I'm not used to being yelled at, "this bucket!" I try to defend myself, although this really doesn't excuse what he saw me doing so I just look stupid as always.

He grabs my wrist harshly pulling my arm down forcefully so that I step forward a bit, with his other hand he grips my chin tilts my head up, "That doesn't explain why you're snooping through my fucking shit." He says in a deep low voice lowering his head so we are eye to eye. I felt my face get hot and I only hoped that he couldn't tell because of the darkness of the room.

"I- I don't-" I really have nothing to say and his strong aroma is leaving me kind of speechless. He waited for me to finish searching my face for the missing words, I look down not being able to handle his stare. Before he gets impatient I openly speak my mind, stuttering as I do so, "you've just had really nice drawings outside your classroom that I thought I could...I- I didn't mean to- I'm sorry."

"You're sorry?" He scoffs, "nothing gives you the right to invade someone's privacy," he seeths, "What kind of shitty manners did your parents teach you?"

My parents? Manners? At that moment all feeling of regret left my system, he just pulled my fudging trigger. I thank the wine coolers I had because without them I probably would have bottled my anger. I went from sheepish and low to livid and bold quick, in other words I exploded.

"My poor manners?! Talk about hypocritical," I pull my wrist away from his grasp, "don't forget you've also invaded my privacy time after time! And continue to call me names and degrade me after I've done nothing to you!"

"Well now you've done enough! So-" my anger speaks for me when I cut him off.

"This doesn't account for before! And don't you ever speak ill about my parents! You don't know them or what their going through for you to even mention them! I'd love to meet the lovely people that raised such a fine, polished man like yourself!" I scream, not yell, at him. For more than a moment the only thing that can be heard in the room are our deep breathing and the muffled music from outside.

"Get the fuck out Park, and don't ever think about entering this room again." He demands a bit unsteadily.

I slowly back away him, I don't say anything else instead I turn around and I swear I have never sprinted out of a room as fast as I did at the moment. Stepping into the hall I did not turn back as I gently shut his door to not disturb him more.

   I'm not entirely sure I processed everything that just happened but I can say I still feel incredibly guilty. I mean I went through his stuff, his privacy after he told me specifically to stay out of his room. I don't know why I acted so carelessly, I know better. With my situation I should have been more understanding when someone says they don't want others in there private life. I hardly let people know the truth about problems my family faces so why would I pry into someone else's stuff.  God I'm unbelievable.

   I just can't help but think that he's hiding true talent from the world, I couldn't put a picture to what I saw in the drawer but I just know it would have been beautiful and better than what there is on campus. His talent had so much potential if just directed at something different.

   I don't know if it was the fear or the nerves but I suddenly felt completely sober as I rushed to Namjoons room. I knock before entering not even sure if Namjoon is still in the room. To my surprise he is there, kneeling next to the bed running his fingers through Jin's hair as he sleeps. I noticed Jin's makeup was taken off and he's now wearing a grey hoodie.

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