Chapter 11

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Jimins POV

"Why are you here?"

So much for "Jungkooks won't be there".

   My eyes widened at the second I heard his voice. Not only did he startle me but he also brought forth a small ting of anxiety within me. Due merely to his voice I can tell how incredibly excited he was to see me, I can only wait for the all the lovely comments he'll throw at me tonight.

Taehyung retrieved his hand, which was extended to knock on the door in front of us, he paused before turning around, I followed his lead.  Facing Jungkook his eyes were already on me, a deep scowl etched on his face.  "Am I not invited?" Taehyung looked at him.

"I'm not talking to you," he didn't even bother to look at Taehyung, "why are you here?" He spoke again directly at me.

   I swear I can just punch him ,  swing my fist right into his stupid face. Instead I crossed my arms, "No," I smiled sarcastically, "why are you here?" I ask just as harshly. I can be just as disrespectful if I wanted to and I want him to acknowledge that.

   Seeing my spurs of attitude he takes a step forward almost as if he's trying to intimidate me, "excuse me," he taunts, "but I don't see the problem with me being here," he takes another step forward becoming dangerously close to me, enough to where he can bend down and growl into my ear, "considering I live here."

   His cold breath travels down my exposed back causing little bumps to arise from my skin. His close proximity makes me nervous, I'm not sure if it's nerves of intimidation or something defined differently. It's definitely not something that Taehyung can make me feel though or anyone for that matter. Not that I'm comparing him to anyone.

Without giving me another glance to react he pushed past me leaving me alone with Tae, who didn't look at all bothered by what happened, "why didn't you tell me he lived here?!" I whisper whined as I gripped his shirt.

   "They said he wasn't going to be here so I didn't think it'd matter," he assured me, "we could leave if you want to."

   I look away from him having a peek into the apartment thanks to Jungkook who left the door open, "As if I'd go home because of him," I reject with a light voice.

   Taehyung takes this as his cue to enter the home, holding the door for me. Walking in I take in the structure of the home. The living room was spacious and dark, a large TV hanging from the wall, over a fireplace, with an L shaped grey couch placed in front of it, matching a glass center table. I became aware of how modeled this looked, nothing homey or comfy about it. It reminded me of those example homes you see on magazines or shows, it holds no emotional connection to the owners.

    I followed behind Taehyung further into the apartment until we reach the kitchen. There Jin is sitting on the counter along with Hoseok, Namjoon was searching the fridge for another beer, I'm guessing being that the kitchen is surrounded by empty beer bottles, while Yoongi was sitting at the dinning table accompanied by Jungkook who seemed to have already grabbed himself something to drink.

"Tae!" Hoseok jumps off the counter the second he takes notice of us, well Tae. Running up to Tae he engulfs him in a big innocent hug, laughing as he does so. His yell brings the attention to us.

I awkwardly shift back and forth on my toes, "hi guys," I muster feeling a little shy.  I eye everyone but stop at Jungkook, but he doesn't even acknowledge me standing here. But of course I don't care, I mean why would I.

"Jimin! I didn't know you were coming!," Jin exclaims moving over to wrap his arm around me, "is this apart of your little date?"

   "Date? Who's on a date?" Hobi asks still enveloped in Tae's arms.

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