❀Unique Encounters❀

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The girls were all dressed and ready to go. They slipped on their rings again and walked outside. Blossom shut and locked the door before slipping the key back into her purse. She was wearing black, high waisted shorts, pink and white high tops with a pastel pink crop top that reached her shorts. The blouse hung off her shoulder, revealing her black bra straps. Bubbles had on a baby blue sundress with white leggings and black doll shoes. Buttercup was in her normal green jersey shorts and a white tank top with black high tops. 

They walked side by side. While they were getting ready at the house, Bubbles used makeup to cover their bite marks. As they were walking, Blossom got paranoid that everyone was watching them.

"Do you think that they see the bites?" Blossom whispered.

"No, Bloss." Buttercup rubbed her arms because of the coldness her sister was radiating.

"Calm down. It's the beginning of fall and you're freezing me!" Buttercup scowled.

They arrived at the mall. They froze in place when they saw three boys. Blossom would recognize that red hat anywhere. She looked at her sisters. They could only see the boys' backside but they just knew who they were. They walked around the boys and Blossom glanced over her shoulder. Of course, the redhead from her past was smirking at her. She stopped and turned around, as well as her sisters.

"As much as I'd hate to admit it, I'm glad you guys are back." Blossom smiled and crossed her arms.

"Damn! It's been seven years, Butterbutt!" Butch laughed.

"We're glad to be back." Brick kept smirking.

"Are you guys enrolled at Townsville High?" Boomer asked.

"Yep! We're seniors now." Bubbles smiled.

"I look forward to seeing your dumbasses in school." Blossom joked.

"Did Pinkie just cuss?!" Brick laughed.

"Give me a break." Blossom rolled her eyes playfully.

"Bloss..." Bubbles tapped Blossom's shoulder lightly.


"It's Dexter..."

Blossom looked over and saw Dexter walking towards them. She looked at Brick. He immediately put his arm around her and they walked into the mall with their siblings following. But Dexter followed too.

"Blossom!" Dexter called out.

Blossom mumbled a curse under her breath and turn around.

"When did you get with that douche? They just came back, didn't they?" Dexter laughed.

"At least he would treat her right!" Buttercup yelled at Dexter.

Buttercup was getting ready to pound him, but Butch pulled her back.

"Shut up!" Dexter snapped.

"Don't talk to my sister like that!" Blossom snapped back.

Dexter glared at Blossom. He grabbed her arm and pulled her. Before she could react, Brick had a grip on Dexter's wrist.

"Ah!" Dexter yelled out in pain.

"Don't touch her." Brick growled.

Brick let go of Dexter and he ran out of the mall. Brick turned to Blossom. He towered over her and she felt small. She looked at the ground, but the ring on Brick's index finger caught her attention. The band was black with a square red pendant. She looked and Butch and Boomer. They had rings too. 

"Thank you, Brick..." Blossom looked away from him.

"Why are you scared of him?" 

Blossom didn't answer.

"Speak to me." Brick put his hand on her shoulder.

"He...He used Anti-X on me..." 

Blossom pulled her shorts down enough to show a bruise on her hip. 

"Did you report it?"

"It's not like anyone would believe me." Blossom crossed her arms protectively.

"Let's just go home." Bubbles said as she hugged Blossom.

"We'll come too." Butch said.

"When did you become good?" Buttercup sassed.

"People change." Butch smiled.

Changes: PPG x RRBWhere stories live. Discover now