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The girls woke up in their beds somehow. Blossom groaned and held her neck. She was the first to wake. She walked into the bathroom and examined her neck. There was a deep bitemark. All of the sudden, her throat felt sore. She was thirsty. She walked and gotten a cup of water. No satisfaction. She saw a pedestrian on the sidewalk through the window. The scent of her blood and the sound of her pulse filled her senses. 

"N-no. No way." Blossom shuddered. Buttercup and Bubbles soon ran into the kitchen where Blossom was.

"What's wrong with m-me?" Bubbles cried and fell to the ground holding her throat.

Buttercup gripped the counter, almost breaking it. Blossom held a glass and it shattered in her hand because of her grip. Blossom looked at them. Her hand was bleeding. But her blood was extremely dark, almost black. 

"G-girls.." Blossom started.

"These aren't normal bites..." She finished.

"Vampires aren't real..." Buttercup whispered.

"We have no choice but to believe they are..." Blossom rubbed her neck.

"I'm not killing anyone." Bubbles cried.

Blossom was out the front door and back in a flash with blood bags from the hospital. She was entirely burning up from the sun. She bit one open with her teeth and downed the a bag. He handed Buttercup and Bubbles one. They both hesitantly drank them and they looked at each other with worry written all over them. 

"We're monsters...." Bubbles cried.

"No, who made us like this are monsters." Buttercup corrected.

Blossom grabbed her pastel pink laptop and started to research. She quickly read and looked at the information. She closed her laptop and went upstairs to their room and grabbed three rings. She quickly recited a spell she had saw. She tossed Buttercup and Bubbles their own. 

"Okay, Nerd Girl. What else did you find?" Buttercup asked.

"Vampires are sensitive to sunlight. We wear these rings and we'll be fine. We don't have to feed on human blood, we can feed off of animals. Abnormally, we can still consume human food, but we won't be satisfied. With Alcohol, it takes triple the amount it takes to affect a human to affect us." Blossom spoke quickly.

"Alright. We get the gist of it now." Bubbles said nervously.

"I'm still worried about this." Bubbles pressed her lips into a line. She was already pale and Blossom's rosy cheeks weren't pink anymore. 

"We'll be fine once we learn to control our... cravings." Blossom let out a shaky sigh.

"We might as well skip school today..." Buttercup mumbled.

"We have to. We don't know how we'll react around all the humans. Maybe as long as we eat before school, we'll be fine." Blossom said.

"Bubbs?" Buttercup put a hand on the blonde's shoulder.

Bubbles sniffed and wiped her tears away.

"We're supposed to protect Townsville.... not kill the citizens." Bubbles cried and hugged Buttercup.

"We'll eat off of animals, Bubbs." Buttercup spoke softly.

"Let's get dress girls. Let's go to the Mall today." Blossom smiled.

"Okay..." Bubbles walked to their room.

"I thought you wouldn't want to risk being seen out of school." Buttercup smirked.

"I'm not all good, BC." Blossom smiled.

"Oh! Leader Girl is going bad!" Buttercup laughed.

~Their Rings~



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