"I couldn't sleep at all again. At least she wants to do it early, I don't know how much more I can take."

"PIKA BOO!" She pops up from behind him.

"GAHHH! Why You..." She raised her hand to silence him.

"I want to do this properly," she started as she placed her right hand over her heart with her left reaching out openly. "My name is Clio and I want to be your Rusui for the day. I promise I will take good care of you." She smiled openly.

Meowth who was still peeved couldn't help but smile a little as the pigtailed girl gleamed in front of him; "I'm Meowth, as a..." Meowth paused on the next word, not sure if it was right for him to say. However, the girl's energy was so lively that it filled him with the confidence to be proud of what it is.

"Everything happens for reason, right?"

"As a Rocketeer I promise to make today a blastastic adventure!" He said proudly as he returned the gesture extending his paw to touch her hand. Sparks fluttered through Meowth's body once he touched her, an image of a cave appeared.

"What?" Meowth thought while catching his breath as the sensation left.

"Oh, I almost forgot." She dropped her bag on the ground and pulled out something that made Meowth go pale.

"Here it is!" She presented a cream colored collar with a leash attached to it.

"What do you intend to do with that?" Meowth asked fearfully.

"What do you think? Now hold still..."

"Hold on! There's no way I'm wearing that thing! I'm not your pet!"

"I caught you fair and square yesterday, remember? You are to do what I say when I say it. Now hold still or do you want me to tell Daddy the story about the little Rocketeer that got lost in the Kalos region." Clio threatened.

"Forget it! I will pretend that you are my protector for the day but a leash is where I draw the line! I just got rid of the last annoying pest, so don't you start getting on my nerves so early on in the day!"

"Huh, Are you talking about that boy who came by yesterday? I was wondering about that, I saw you help him win the games. So what's the deal between you two?"

"We are enemies, he would always interfere with Team Rocket's plans. I got separated from my teammates and unfortunately, I ran into the twerp. They practically forced me to travel with them, thinking that they could change me; it was unbearable being with them. But it doesn't matter now; I'm not traveling with them anymore. Knowing the twerp, he will be on the first train headed towards Snowbelle City for his next gym badge." Meowth spoke frustratingly.

"They? You were traveling with a group of Xenos? That sounds awful!" Clio observed the thrashing water of the river before she spoke up again.

"Alright, I won't do the leash, just put on the collar. The rules for all organizations are pretty much the same. There are multiple ways to catching a Pokéteer and I did catch you yesterday so the least you can do is wear the collar." Meowth mulled it over before reluctantly sighing in defeat.

"Fine, but just for today and please do me a favor..."

"Don't mention that detail to anyone else, got it!" She interrupted as she gave him a thumbs up. Clio grinned, as she was able to place the collar onto Meowth. She twirled happily in her dark red sundress completed with a black bow at the waist and a silver necklace in the shape of the sun.

"When I'm old enough I want to become an agent for the organization that my family works for. I have heard stories about Miss. Miyamoto. She was a strong and intelligent agent for Team Rocket. I want to become a Rusui for one of our organization's Pokéteers because that is how Miss. Miyamoto and my grandmother started off. I want to be just like them when I grow up. So that is where you come in, I need you to teach me how to be a strong, dependable agent." She turned her attention to the strong currents of the river as she sat down and pulled out a lunch box with some croissants and apple slices.

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