"You can just leave them here, I'm sure Abbey will look after them," he responds winking at the receptionist. She smiled and nodded to Bucky.

"Okay," Bucky said leaving his bags and walking to where the man who he assumed to be Mr. Perkins was. Mr. Perkins then turned and walking through the hall through the door to the end of the corridor. There was a brown door with a fogged glass window that said Mr. Perkins. The said man opened the door and walked in and then sat behind his desk. Bucky followed into the office as well but stood in front of the desk.

"You can sit down," Mr. Perkins chuckled gesturing to the chair

"Thanks," Bucky said sitting. He took a look around the office. Behind Mr. Perkins was a large window which opened up to the city. On the left and right walls were mainly bookshelves and on the back wall was photographs or different real estate and architectural designs.

"So James, I'm going to assume you are in need of a house?" Mr.Perkins questioned

"Yes, I kind of left my old apartment because my ex cheated on me," he admitted

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. She must have been a bad person."

"Oh! Umm... It was a guy, I'm gay."

"Oh, that's perfectly fine!" Mr.Perkins smiled, "Anyways what kind of home are you looking for?"

"Probably just a simplistic apartment. I really don't need much. Maybe a nice view, but that's it." Bucky answered. Mr.Perkins looked down writing what Bucky said.

"Simplistic, I like it," Mr. Perkins mumbled moving his eyes up at Bucky and smirking.

### Time skips through brought to you by Smarties!! ###

"So James, I found some great places! Would you like to check them out today?" Mr.Perkins asked

"That would be great Mr.Perkins!" Bucky grinned

"Call me Liam," Mr. Perkins said with a wink standing up, "Why don't you gather your bags and bring them back here to collect later and we'll get going.

Bucky nodded and went back out to the waiting room and grabbed his bags. The receptionist smiled at him and he smiled back. He was unbelievably happy, he wouldn't have to be homeless and he wouldn't have to see Steve. He then walked back to Liam's office.

"Where should I set these?" Bucky asked

"You can just set them on the chair there," Liam said pointing to the chair Bucky previously sat in "Here let me help you" He then walked over to Bucky and help took one of the duffle bags off from around his neck. He then placed it on the floor in front of the chair.

The feeling of his touch lingered on Bucky's neck. He felt weird having another man just touch him, but it was nice.

"Thanks," Bucky said placing the other two bags on the chair.

"Let's get going," Liam said


"Okay, here is the first apartment complex. We'll go in and go up to you're room." Liam said showing the building.

It was a large white building, but it was still made of brick. In most windows there were plants and cute shudders, it was nice but Bucky wasn't feeling it. He would still give it a try though.

The two men walked into the apartment building and then collected the key going up to the apartment. As they were in the elevator Liam brought up some conversation.

"So most, if not all of the apartments I have to show you aren't ready for you to move in today, so do you have a backup plan?"

"Oh sh*t," Bucky cursed under his breath, "Uhm, I didn't think about that, but I'll figure something out."

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