"Well, you can go to school on an empty stomach," I replied.

He rolled his eyes and ate as well as the others.

When they were done, they dropped their bowls in the sink and picked up their bags.

"Alright, guys. Let's go," I said as I picked my own bag.

We made our way to the door and I locked it after we stepped out. We walked to their school which was only about six blocks away from the house. We got there and I waved them goodbye as they ran to meet their fellow six-year olds. I smiled and made my way to the bus stop.

I arrived just in time to meet the bus and I entered. In ten minutes or so, we arrived at school.

I stepped out and inhaled deeply bracing myself for a day at Lakewood High. I made my way to the hallway.

"Hey four eyes!" Ashley the plastic bitch shouted.

Normally I would give her a pretty good answer but I really didn't have any atom of strength for her drama so I ignored her.

I opened my locker and was collecting my books for Literature class when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I sighed and turned to see exactly whom I had expected.

"What do you want, Ashley?"

She gave me an evil smile. "Oh, I was bored and just wanted to have some fun."

"You know you could just grab some random jock into the janitor's room and suck faces. That would cost you less trouble and give you more fun."

She scoffed. "Look who's teaching me about fun, good old four eyes."

I smiled and touched my glasses. "Well, at least I get to see better so that unlike you when I look in the mirror I can tell if I look like a normal person and not some fake plastic doll."

She frowned. "Are you calling me a fake plastic doll?"

I rolled my eyes as I replied, "Oh, Ashley, I think you should stop doing whatever it is you do with your hair cause I think it's clogging your brain. Of course, I'm calling you a fake plastic doll."

She was so angry she looked like she was going to burst. I just turned to my locker, slammed it shut and walked away with my books.

I made my way to Literature class and as I did, people began to make way as though someone important was coming. I knew who it was but I didn't deem him important. Just to avoid attention I moved out of the way and watched as Ethan Baxter and his cronies passed. I rolled my eyes as I watched girls huddling together and whispering, "Oh my god! It's Ethan! It's Ethan!"

I mean, really, what is the big deal? He's just a person. Yeah, he's rich and handsome, I have to admit. But that doesn't rule out the fact that he's a big jerk with an ego bigger than his head. I shook my head and continued my way to class. I sat two rows to the back and not long after Mr. Wilson entered and the class began.

Ten minutes into the class, Ethan Baxter walked in.

"Mr. Baxter, you're late," Mr. Wilson reprimanded.

"Well, I'm sorry but I couldn't help it", he replied.

Mr. Wilson just shook his head and motioned for him to sit down. Unfortunately, the only empty seat was the one in front of me. The jerk sat there with his huge head obstructing my view of the board. I tried to get a better view of the board to no avail and just whispered in frustration, "Kindly get your fat head out of the way."

But unfortunately my whisper was not so much of a whisper and ended up being more of a retort.

"Miss Stanford, did you say something?" Mr. Wilson asked and everyone turned to face me including the cause of my trouble.

I groaned. "Oh nothing, Mr. Wilson," I replied with hopes that he would let it go. Luckily he just shook his head and continued with the class.

I heard snickers all around me but what really caught my attention was the fact that Ethan chuckled. The nerve of that bastard!

But I just ignored it and hoped that the day would be over soon.

* * * * * * * * * *

So this is my first official book. I hope that you all like it. Please vote, comment and share.

Anyways, here's a song I think should be heard by all:

Also, This chapter is dedicated to @DaisyDoesNothing. Thanks a lot for the cover.

Underneath Her GlassesWhere stories live. Discover now