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I had probably spent more than 2 hours just staring at the damned ceiling. Everything was just passing so slow it was confusing me.

One of my pet peeves were clocks that tick, and tonight that pet peeve was granted. I had to control myself with all my power, to not rip the damn clock out of the walls and throw it out the fucking window.

It felt like every second the ticking just kept getting louder and louder, and so it begins getting harder and harder not to light the clock on fire. Every inch of me was screaming to get a baseball bat and swing it across the wall.

I gave the clock a dark warning look, as if it could see me. I slowly got out of the bed I made on the floor, and stared at the sleeping figures.

On the bed was Jacob who was on the edge of the bed, his hand just hanging limply, whilst snoring lightly. Jacob's snoring didn't help me get anywhere either with my pet peeves; to either smash a vase towards Jacob or break the clock.

On the floor, a few feet away from me was Reyes wrapped in a blanket burrito, he literally looked like a cocoon of a butterfly in the making. Right next to him, was Alec who was lying facefloor and spread eagle.

Beside Jacob was Liam who snuggled himself in pillows, making a fortress you used to make with pillows in the 1st grade. David was in between Liam and Jacob, sleeping with the old fashioned lay down.

Jamie was on the floor, with a pillow next to him, and another one he hugged tightly. He kept squeezing it every few minutes I would become hesitant of the pillow's sake.

Ryder was on the floor beside me, arms outstretched for no absolute reason, to add on top of it, he was mumbling things in Spanish. I only caught a few words ; 'gatito comió mi maldito desayuno', which translated to 'kitten ate my damn breakfast'. After that I didn't catch anymore words, just a few nonsense mumbling.

I almost laughed out loud, but before I could do so, I had to torture myself by stuffing my fist inside my mouth. I ended up gagging and choking on my own fist, let's just say that it probably wasn't the most holy sound I've heard coming from my mouth.

After escaping the wrath of the oh so holy fists, I crept away from my floor bed, and to the desk. An evil smirk forced my way into my mouth, as I saw a black sharpie.

It was time to give these assholes a nightmare.

I drew the sharpie out of the holder gingerly, careful enough not to wake the whole room. After grabbing the sharpie, I decided that my first victim would be Alec, since the guy decided to almost close the distance between us.

I crept towards Alec quietly, I had learnt to have light footsteps a few years back. I mentally groaned at the sight of Alec's face that was on the floor, although the side of his face wasn't covered.

I drew a couple of rainbows and butterflies on the side of his face, and decided to gawk at my masterpiece.

Because I was too lazy to drag myself any farer, I made my way to Reyes to give him a bit of his own medicine. I started to sketch a few coloured in hearts on his neck and face, and made my way towards Jacob.

After arguing with myself on what look I should give him, I decided on dicks. I drew one gigantic beautiful dick on his face and tiptoed to Liam.

Since he covered half his body except his hair and it was way too risky to move him, I decided his hair was a good place to colour on.

"A perfect colour, for a perfect human", I whispered slyly.

I popped the cap open and started to colour Liam's hair neon pink. After a few minutes of working hard, I put on the cap of the highlighter and made my way towards David.

The Destruction Of Roses (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now