"You're Bleeding, Sweetheart"

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I stare at myself for a moment in the mirror, the reflection looked back at me sadly, she was frowning. Then the reflection balled her fists up and came to a realisation.

The reflection had scars of cutting on her arm, but she didn't hide it. On her shoulder were some fresh wounds and bruises.

Thank god that he didn't hit me in the face.

Her grey eyes searched the reflection hungrily, searching for something, something decent.

The girl in the reflection and the girl in reality seemed to look at each other in envy.

Rosèe Vancoùver then snapped back to reality, the reflection was herself. But she was envying the reflection of her, not herself.

I sighed then dried myself up with the rough towel, slightly wincing as the towel made contact with my various wounds and bruises.

I put on a old hoodie and some leggings, while slipping on my shoes to go downstairs.

The wood slightly creeked as i cautiously made my way downstairs, not wanting to create any noise.

Since karma was and still is a bitch, i tripped down the stairs.

I gasped loudly as my face made contact with the floor. There was a warm flow on my nose, it was blood.

My face never felt so painful in my life, my body was aching as i carefully stood up.

Those bruises and wounds aren't going to heal any sooner.

"Fuck...", the blood was still flowing freely as it dribbled down my chin, my ankles was to the point of giving in, they felt like jelly 24/7.

I sniffled in pain, knowing crying will just give me more pain,both emotionally and physically.

My hands held my nose, trying to block the blood, but it didn't seem to help.

I forced my jelly ass legs to limp to the kitchen. Step by step, painfully praying Richard wasn't here, i limped.

The pain in my body seemed to tense up in the kitchen, i forcefully grab the tissue and started to franticly stop the bleeding.

I sighed in relief, muttering thank god under my breath.

Then the door slammed open, there stood my biological father, a beer bottle in his right hand and some weed in the other.

Even from quite a distance i could smell the alcohol.

"Is this blood?", Richard slowly said examining the blood on the floor.

"Yeah", i said.

"And where are you going, you little piece of shit?! Are you just gonna run and scamper off as you ruin my life you cunt?", he roared at me, throwing the glass beer bottle, making it slam into the ground.

"It's not my fucking fault she decided to run off with a dick!", I shouted back at him, i could feel my veins throb.

Richard blew a punch at my stomach,his fist made contact with my flesh.

My breathing became heavy as i fell back to the ground, clenching my stomach.

Before he could do me more pain, i quickly ran away, not caring about my bag left at home.

My feet felt like it was going to give out at any moment, my nose was numb and bloody.

Even how weak my knees felt, i kept running, as far as i could.

I turned my head to the back in fear, i had absolutely no idea where i was.

Then my whole body hit something that seemed like a warm wall.

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