chapter five;; the end

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Fuyuhiko doesn't let Mikan anywhere near Yaeko until he starts feeling restless again, like the second one is coming soon, and only then does he allow her to take the tiny kitten and place her in the bassinet they've prepared. He misses her as soon as she's gone, even though she's just across the room, but Peko manages to reassure him that she'll be fine in the time it takes for her sibling to arrive.

According to almost everything he's read, the births of subsequent cubs after the first one is supposed to be easier, considering the body has already done this once before. And while his body certainly feels ready, none of those accounts ever seem to take into account what the cub being born has in mind.

"This one," Fuyuhiko pants out to Peko as she holds him steady with her arms, "this one's a boy. I can feel it."

Peko raises an eyebrow. "What makes you say that?"

"He's stubborn as hell," Fuyuhiko finishes. "Probably thinks he's happy in there right now."

Peko smiles a little and presses a kiss to Fuyuhiko's forehead. "He won't be for much longer. You'll get him out."

Normally, it takes between thirty minutes to an hour between the birth of each cub, but it's an hour and a half before the contractions get into a pattern Fuyuhiko's familiar with. They're a little stronger right at the start this time around, and he leans heavy against Peko, bracing himself by putting his hands on her outstretched arms.

One of the contractions is so strong it takes his breath away, and that's the cue he's been waiting for, it seems. Fuyuhiko barely has time to growl out "Gotta push" before he bears down hard on the next contraction, intent on getting this kid out of him whether he wants to come out or not. Again, it feels like he can only hear Peko, her calming force wrapping around him and holding him just as she already is.

Thankfully, it's not long before he feels the pressure of the baby's head once more, though with a slight difference.

"This one's bigger," he says, just a hint of fear in his voice. "His -- his head is, at least. Fuck." Fuyuhiko pauses to swear through another contraction, knowing what's coming next and dreading the possibility of the crowning lasting longer this time.

"Just don't panic," Peko reminds him, stroking his side. "This happens. You can do it. Just breathe." The calmness of Peko's voice calms him in turn, and Fuyuhiko nods, keeping his breathing even while the next few contractions push the cub down further.

This time, the burning pain of the crown doesn't scare Fuyuhiko as much as the first time, and this time his cry is more of a high whine at the top of his throat, long and unbroken. It feels so much longer than the first, though, but he breathes through it all the same, only following his body's instructions and giving a light push to get it to a full crown. By now, he's exhausted -- not so tired that he can't push, though, but still tired -- and ready for this to be over.

"Peko," he warns. "Peko, I'm -- I'm gonna push, and he's gonna come and I'm not stopping him, okay?" His tone is serious, and Peko nods. "But -- I want you to catch him. Alright?"

For the first time during all of this, Peko actually looks shocked and surprised. "Really?" She asks after a few moments of silence. Fuyuhiko nods in response, and she looks helplessly at Mikan, who says she'll guide her through if that's what Fuyuhiko wants.

It is, indeed, what he wants, and Fuyuhiko releases his grip on Peko's forearms in favor of putting his arms around her shoulders so that she can move to support the baby's head with her palms. She seems more afraid than Fuyuhiko at this point, her hands shaking a little as she looks down, then back up at her husband.

"Don't you freak out on me," Fuyuhiko almost laughs. "Shoulda' done it earlier, before it was almost over."

Peko gives a shaky smile in response, and then all of her attention is on the emerging cub and Fuyuhiko as he pushes once more. This time, the actual birth really is a lot slower than the first, mainly because of Mikan's instruction to Fuyuhiko to push slowly and carefully thanks to the size of the baby's head. It's a slow cycle of pushing, then pausing to breathe the head out a little more, then pushing again until the head is out, and Peko is almost holding her second child.

A shudder passes through Fuyuhiko's body, and he swallows heavily before saying "Peko, he's coming," and giving a final strong push that sees his son delivered into his mother's hands. For a moment, they're both shocked, until Mikan cleans the baby's face and he gives a loud cry.

When he settles back down, Fuyuhiko can't help but smile at the newborn, running a hand over his head of soft blonde hair. "Hey, kid. You're the troublemaker, aren't you? Just like your aunt." He laughs a little. "You'll fit right in."

Shigeaki Kuzuryuu is born at 2:34 AM, two hours after his older sister, and finally, the Kuzuryuu family is complete.

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