chapter four

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Whoever made up the lie that pushing was the best part of the birth should be shot, Fuyuhiko thinks shortly after he starts pushing. He's never been in more pain in his life. Between the pain of the contractions and the pressure building up from the baby's head pressing on his pelvis, he's pretty sure he's going to die.

"I'm dying," he cries to Peko after the first one. "I have to be. This -- this is what death feels like."

Peko, gods bless her, just shakes her head and strokes his cheek. "No you're not," she says softly. "I can't imagine the pain you're in, but you're not dying. You're going to be fine."

Fuyuhiko groans, rests his head on her shoulder once more as he sways a little, hoping to ease the pressure a bit between contractions. It's starting to feel like they're right on top of each other, coming fast and hard with little reprieve in-between. He's glad now that he managed to get a few naps in before all this started.

"That was a very good push," Mikan tells him. "A few more like that and you'll be crowning."

Fuyuhiko nods in acknowledgement, then moves his head to look at Peko again. "I -- need to be lower," he grunts lowly. "Just a little bit."

"Do you want to be on your knees?" She asks, to which he shakes his head no. "In a squat?" He nods yes. "Okay, we can do that." Carefully, she maneuvers into the position he wants. She's on her knees anyway, in the end, but Fuyuhiko puts his hands on her shoulders and keeps himself up, legs trembling, but staying upright all the same. Peko ignores the ache in her shoulders, because this is so much more important right now.

"Feels better this way," Fuyuhiko sighs after a few moments. "Easier."

"Good," Peko says. "Do whatever you need to do."

Fuyuhiko bites his lip, nods, and then gives another cry as the next contraction comes, bringing with it the urge to push. He follows the urge, listening as Mikan counts to ten and then instructs him to let up so he can breathe.

"Okay, Fuyuhiko," she says after a few moments. "You're about to crown. You need to breathe, and push slowly if you push at all, okay?"

"I -- fuck -- want them out," Fuyuhiko growls. "I want them out now."

"I know, but you don't want to hurt yourself," Mikan continues. "They'll come, there's nothing to worry about."

He wants to argue, but when it comes down to it, Fuyuhiko trusts her and his body, and right now they're both telling him to slow down. So, instead, he just nods, takes a few deep breaths and lets instinct take over for a bit. He's still holding onto Peko, but his grip relaxes for a bit as he lets his body do what it needs to.

It doesn't take long before an entirely new pain starts.

"Fuck -- fuck, holy shit Peko," Fuyuhiko hisses after a few seconds of pain finally registers. "It burns, fuck that hurts --"

"They're starting to crown, it's okay," Peko murmurs to him softly. "It's okay. You're almost there."

"I -- holy fuck," Fuyuhiko says once more, his fingers digging into Peko's back. "Please tell me this isn't how it is the rest of the time."

"It's just until the head's out," Peko says after a few moments of silence. Only afterwards does Fuyuhiko realize she's only relaying what Mikan's saying, because he doesn't hear a word of what the nurse is saying. He can only hear Peko's voice, Peko's words, and it feels like Peko's presence is all around him, holding all of him at once, and he feels more relaxed now than before despite the pain.

"Then this kid better get their head out fast," Fuyuhiko growls low again. Even so, he doesn't go against what Mikan and his body have told him, keeps breathing the best he can while the burning pain intensifies. He gives a sharp cry, and there's some movement registered in his peripheral vision from Mikan shifting position, then Peko leans in closer to talk to him again.

Intertwined. FuyuPeko. WEREverse.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang