Chapter Twelve

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With one look at Scarlett, I can tell she doesn't think I'll be able to make it. She's probably right, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to try. I'm determined to at least be in the final ten. Maybe then I can get noticed and receive a scholarship to a good college. Everyone likes a good underdog.

"Don't worry about me, you should be worried about yourself. Who knows if you'll make it, I don't think you're fit enough," I tease.

She scoffs, "you're funny! You should be a clown. Oh wait, you already are."

I gasp, "I cannot believe the audacity! I'm just trying to look out for a poor, defenseless friend."

Liz joins me, "I'm with her on this one. I think you should drop out to save yourself from the humiliation."

"I did not introduce you two to each other for this to happen."

We laugh

"Who knows, I might ditch you and start hanging with Liz," I try saying with a poker face.

They both try and figure out whether or not I'm joking. I can't keep a straight face anymore and crack a smile.

"Have you ever thought about going into the acting business? Because man, I really cannot tell when you are joking or not," Liz says.

I laugh, "nope. But if the whole superhero and professional clown things don't work out, I might give it a shot.

We chat for a little while until I decide to go back to my room. I lay on my bed and just think. Is this really what I should be doing with my life?

Those doubts quickly disappear when I remember Brian's dull, lifeless eyes. A shiver runs up my spine.


Before I know it, it's time. God I've never been this nervous in my life. Only moment in my life that came close was when I came out to Brian.

I remember my heart was basically beating out of my chest. When I told him, his only response was, "I know that". God, he could be such a dick sometimes. I miss him.

This is for him.

I shake off the nerves and meet up with Scarlett and Liz. I say a quick hello and sit down.

"You guys nervous?" I ask.

Scarlett shrugs, "not really. I'm pretty confident I'll win."

Liz rolls her eyes, "I am a bit nervous. My chances of winning aren't as high as hers," she points at Scarlett, " but it doesn't hurt to try."

I nod, "my chances are basically zero, but I'm still gonna try as hard as I can."

Yesterday's superhero walks in, and the room grows silent. "Well, it looks I already have everyone's attention. In an orderly fashion I need you all to get in a line. We'll be using these new teleportation pads so we can get you all where you need to be as efficiently as possible."

In that second, chaos erupts. Their planning skills are horrible, did they really think a bunch of high schoolers would would follow directions? They're definitely overestimating us.

"Let's just wait until things call down a bit," Scarlett says.

I nod, "I'd rather not get caught up in that mess."

After about a thirty minute wait, it's our turn. Liz is in line before us, "see you girls on the other side!"

She steps on the pad and disappears. Freaky.

"These are totally safe, I've tried them out a couple times. I'll go before you if it helps you feel better," she steps before me in line and gets on. 

She waved bye, before she too, disappears.

I show some dude an I.D. we got when we got here, and step on the teleportation pad. My body feels weird; it feels like when a leg falls asleep, but with my whole body.

It's gone in an instant and I step off.
We seem to be in some sort of large room. It's extremely plain, only a couple benches and chairs. Which are all already being occupied.

Liz and Scarlett wave me over. It's difficult to navigate through the large body of people. The amount of people makes me nervous, I guess it didn't click in my head just how many people would be here and competing.

"So what's the game plan?" Liz asks. After me and Scarlett give each other a look she continues, "how are we going to help each other get through this?"

I shrug, "thought we were going to each be doing our own thing,"

Scarlett nods, "that's what I thought too."

"Gosh, am I the only one with a brain around here? We don't know what we'll have to do in the future, and I'd rather have people that I trust in the game I can depend on."

"I see what you mean, but I don't see how we can help each other in an obstacle course," Scarlett says.

"I feel like I would just drag you guys down," I add.

Liz furrows her eyebrows, "Don't put yourself down, I'm sure you're good at something."

"Yeah, good at messing stuff up," I mumble.

Liz hold back her laugh, "listen, if you can run, you are useful, ok?"

I smile and nod. I appreciate Liz's attempts at motivating me. It's true I have been practicing my running and have improved greatly, but I don't know how tough the competition is.

"I feel stupid for asking know but, Liz what can you do?"

She grins and put her arm out. Her arm begins to stretch she reached around Scarlett's shoulder and taps it. Then she takes it back to normal length.

"Woah! How long can you stretch it?" Scarlett asks.

"Ten feet is my maximum right now, but I'm working on being able to stretch them longer."

"That's so convenient! If you're sitting and left the remote on the table you don't even have to get up!" I exclaim

She smiles pridefully, "bet you guys wish you were me right about now."

I nod yes while Scarlett shakes her head no.

The room suddenly goes quiet until I remember the reason we are here.

"Hello everyone, hope you're ready to fight for your lives!"


Hello everyone! Thank you so much for reading. I cannot thank you enough. I wanted to apologize for having a very erratic upload schedule. I know it's been a hot minute since I last updated, but I know most of you know how difficult school is and boy, shits tuff.

I can't promise the updates will be regular, but I can promise that I will try my hardest to find time to write.

Once again, thank you if you are still reading this I appreciate you more than you can imagine

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