Chapter Ten

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Scarlett's POV

     Her lips are so soft, like two little pillows, I practically melt.
She pulls back, turns around, then walks away as if nothing happened. It hurts my soul, but she looked badass doing it. I watched her leave until I could no longer see her.

"What just happened?" Asks Amethyst.

"I honestly have no idea, but I loved it." I respond, dreamily.


I need to have a serious talk with Sam, I want to know how she feels about me. I definitely know how I feel about her, I could actually write an essay on why I like her.
I know right now is not an appropriate time, since we should be focusing on training and stuff, but I mean who needs that? I would much rather waste my time obsessing over Sam.
     Wait... she called me her girlfriend right!? Was she just saying that in the moment or? Yeah that's probably it, I can't get my hopes up........ but What if she does like me!
     Enough! I'm going to march right up to her door and ask her!

     I'm standing right in front of her door. My fists are clenched, but I suddenly don't have the strength to knock on her door.
     I somehow summon the strength to knock. I hear shuffling, then the door opens.
     When the door opens, Sam looks slightly annoyed.

     "Oh, look like you're in a bad mood. I'll just leave sorry, for disturbing you ma'm" I say as I turn around to leave.

     She laughs, "I suffer from resting bitch face syndrome, that's just what my face looks like, you can come in." She pulls me in.

I look around the room, It's identical to the one I have. "You're so lucky to have this whole room to yourself"

"I know! Let me tell you some of the perks: no one is stinking up the bathroom, I get all the free stuff in the bathroom, If i get too hot while sleeping I can just switch beds to cool off, and the best part, I get to walk around butt naked if I feel like it."

"If you really wanted you could walk around butt naked with a roommate. I for one, would not mind ..... I'm sorry that was inappropriate of me to say." I can feel my face heating up.

She chuckles, "It's fine. Anyways what did you want to talk about?"

I wanted to talk about something? Oh yeah! "This is going to sound very forward, but I wanted to talk about us."

She raises an eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

     "Sam, if I'm being completely honest, I really like you, like a lot. Which I'm sure you know already. I just wanna know how you feel about me. I mean like you called me your girlfriend and I just wanted to know if you were serious."

     She sighs, "I like you a lot, but I'm not ready for a relationship. I'm sorry I used you like that downstairs, I know that was a douche move."

     I'm quiet for a moment, trying to take in what she just said. I furrow my eyebrows, "you said 'a douche move'. How in the world is that a douche move! You fucking used me just to make someone jealous? You don't do that to people!" I can fell my eyes watering.

She stand and opens and closes her mouth like a fish out of water. She looks like she's going to say something, but I leave. I can't deal with her right now.

     I hold in my tears as I get up. I don't like being used like that, It really hurts. Yet her words keep ringing in my head. 'I like you a lot.'
     I shake it off. I need to stay away from her. She does things to my mind, if I'm around her I can't control myself.
The tears start spilling out. I hate that she can make me feel like this, so vulnerable, like a child. I wipe away the tears, but they keep rolling down. I open the door with my wet hand.

"You're late," Liz looks up, "oh sweetie, what happened?"

I sniffle, "just some girl problems."

She opens the mini fridge and reveals a pint of Ice cream. She grabs two spoons, "want some?"
     We spend the rest of the night crying and complaining about our past relationships. She tells me that she has a boyfriend, but he has a tiny dick.

"See, I don't have to worry about dick size," I tell her.

"The lesbian life sounds appealing, might turn gay. Wanna help?"

I laugh, "I don't think that's how it works."

She yawns, "you never know. Well I'm tired, I'm going to bed."

I check the time, already two A.M. "that sounds good. Sweet dreams. I fall asleep the second my head touches the pillow.

I awake with a huge BANG. I bolt right up, I look at the source of the noise, the door. It's being kicked down, I look over at Liz. I point to the corner of the room and motion for us to go over.

We slowly shuffle our way to the corner. "When they come through the door I'll blast them, get ready to pin them down." I whisper to her.

She nods, and gets in position. We wait until they knock down the door. A large beefy man wearing a mask comes through. I shoot a fireball at his stomach, he goes flying back. If the door was still there he would break it with how fast he's flying.

We both run at him and pin him to the ground. "Who are you and what are your intentions?" Liz asks him.

"Well, you girls passed. Good job!" He says, strangely cheery.

"What?" Me and Liz ask at the same time.

He gets his hand loose and takes off his mask. " you should recognize me Scarlett."

I take a good look at him. His face does look familiar, I just can't pin it...... Oh he's a superhero!

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