Chapter Nine

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Is there something in my teeth? Do I have toilet paper stuck on my shoe? Is the dress too tight? Why is everyone looking at me? I wish I had brought my anxiety pills, they would really come in handy right about now.
I look for table number nine. I see it and find a familiar face. I smile and breath a sigh of relief. I'm glad I'm not alone. I sit next to Scarlett, she's looking really good, gotta admit.

"Why is everyone looking at me like that?" I whisper to her.

"Dude, you look hot as hell!" She shouts.

I feel my face heat up a bit and laugh. I playfully punch her arm, "oh shut up!"

"I second that opinion, you do look good." That voice gives me chills

I look the source of that chilling voice. She's wearing the smile that stole my heart. The smile that broke me. My body grows tense and my face goes serious.

"It's been awhile hasn't it, Sammy?" She tells me.

"You're not allowed to call me that." I retort.

"Oh come on now. We were friends at one point, actually better than friends. Can't we go back to that?" She responds smugly.

Those blue eyes almost bring me to tears. "No. Whatever was between us is over, forever. You're the one who did this. Excuse me,I'm going to the bathroom."

     I abruptly get up and search for a bathroom. I obviously don't need to go, I just need to get away. I look for the bathroom that will most likely not have any people. I find a bathroom all the way in the corner.
     I slide down the door. I put my face in my palms and relive simpler times.

        2 years ago

     I'm sitting down, scrolling mindlessly through my phone. When is she gonna get here? She's already five minutes late, I think to myself.

A pair of hands cover my eyes, "guess who?"

I laugh, "hmm, I wonder? Probably Obama."

"I wish." She laughs and takes a seat in front of me.

I lean over and kiss her. I sit again to take a breath of air.

"I've already ordered our food, no need to worry." I tell her.

"Why thank you, madam."

"Fuck off." I roll my eyes.

"Number seven!" Calls out the cook.

I get up and get the food, I take everything out of the bag and lay it out in front of us. I got a chicken strips, fries, and a shake; she got a cheeseburger and a soda.

We're both sitting in silence, too busy stuffing food in our faces. I look away for a second and when I turn back around she has her hands in my fries.

"Aha! I caught you red handed! Why didn't you get yourself some fries?

"You should've gotten me some!"

I roll my eyes, "I know how you are. You never finish them!"

"Still would've been nice," she mumbles.

I flick her forehead and go back to eating.

We finish up eating and we get up to leave. She gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"Don't forget about the party on Saturday, make sure to be there!"

"Okay, Okay!"

Little did I know at that time that it would be one of the worst nights of my life.


I can feel the tears about to spill over, but I stop myself. I promised myself I would no longer cry over her.
I'm so pathetic, sitting on the floor of a bathroom while everyone is enjoying themselves outside. I need to get over myself and deal with reality. I knew she would be here, I knew what I was getting myself into.
I fix my makeup and take a deep breath. I push open the doors and walk out. The more steps I take towards the table, the harder my heart beats. I keep my head down, avoiding eye contact.
I'm sure it's awkward as hell right now, I don't know what to say. I look at my wrist and trace the cuts. I can recall when and why I cut for each one. So much pain.
     We all sit in silence, until finally, the food is here. I immediately dig right in, saliva starting to build up in my mouth. I look up for a second, all eyes are on me.

I whisper to Scarlett, "Why is everyone staring at me, again."

"Because you have food all over your face."

"Whoops." I grab a napkin and wipe my face.

"You missed a spot." She says pointing all over my face.

I once again try wiping my face. I've used up so many napkins.

"Let me help you." Scarlett says, she grabs my face and brings it closer to her.

She grabs a napkin and cleans up my face. She stops and stares at me for a moment too long. She realizes and and lets go of my face, she turns away but I can see her ears are red.

Amethyst scoffs, "you guys are so lame."

"And you're a bitch" I respond. I shove a piece of food in my mouth.


The rest of the part goes as expected.
I had expected that it would suck, and it did. It was awkward and I would make eye contact with Amethyst every so often. The party is finally almost over, only a couple more minutes.
I wait for the host to dismiss us, he does so and everyone gets up to go. It'll be tough trying to get out. Scarlett grabs my hand to lead me out, but another hand grabs me and pulls me back

"Don't leave yet, I want to talk to you," Amethyst says.

"I don't have anything to talk to you about, let me go." I respond coldly.

"Aww, Cmon Sammy."

"She already said no, let her go." Scarlett pulls me closer to her.

"No one asked for your opinion, Red. You're not even her girlfriend or anything, so scram."

"Well I'm not her girlfriend, but-"

"Actually yes, she is my girlfriend." I interrupt.

"Wait, what?" They both say in unison.

I pull Scarlett close and kiss her. I pull back to breathe, Scarlett has a dreamy look on her face.

"I'm guessing you don't have anything else stupid to say, so I'll be leaving" I say and march out.

Not so super superheroOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora