Chapter Three

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     I look up, the lockers have been set on fire and Leslie is also on the floor. Scarlett marches up to Leslie and grabs her by the collar.

"If I catch you doing that shit again, I won't miss," she growls.

     Scarlett throws Leslie. She scrambles up and tries gaining her composure. She runs as soon as she gets up. Scarlett offers me her hand, I get up, dismissing her hand.

"I don't need your help, I was fine."

"Yeah, If your definition of 'fine' is getting your ass kicked."

"It is," I grumble.

     I pick up my stuff and start walking away from her. I don't understand why she wants to help. It's so fucking stupid and gets me so mad. There's no point, I'm probably always going to be bullied.
     The rest of my day goes by normally. I go home and lock myself in my room. A couple minutes later there's a knock at my door.

"Go away Anthony."

The knocking continues, but even harder. I decide to just ignore it. The knocking stops for a couple of seconds. The knocking starts again, so hard, it's probably going to break my door.

"What the hell!" I shout as I fling open the door.

     Brian is standing at the door, grinning from ear to ear. I smile, matching his. I wrap my arm around him and squeeze tightly.
     Brian is the only person in the family who I feel actually cares for me. Mom is always preoccupied with Julianna, dad always works and we rarely see him, Aiden has his own home and things he needs to take care of, and well, Anthony is Anthony.

"You're such an idiot! Why couldn't you announce yourself like a normal human being?"

"Aww come on, that wouldn't be any fun now would it."

    As I laugh, it feels like a 500 pound weight is lifted of my chest. Brian is currently in college, so he's been really focused. He's trying to become a superhero. Not many become one, you need to have a strong superpower. He can shoot lasers from his eyes, that's considered pretty strong. I'm not sure if it's strong enough to become a superhero though.

"So how's school going for ya?" I ask.

"It's going really good! I even got an internship with Superhero Co."

"Holy shit, congratulations! That's like one of the best superhero companies out there!"

"I know, I know, I'm amazing."

"Don't get cocky!"

     I playfully punch him in his arm. I go downstairs and get an apple. I crunch it really loudly. Brian snatches it and takes a huge bite.

"Hey, my apple! Give it back!"

     I reach up to get it, but I'm not tall enough. He's 6 foot 4 inches, I'm 5 foot 7 inches.
He takes one more huge bite, then gives it back. All that's left is the core. I throw it back at him, hitting him on the head. He turns around and scowls at me. He picks me up and throws me over himself like a sack of potatoes.
We wrestle and goof around. Today I actually eat with the rest of my family, only because Brian is here though. The food is good today, I think that's mostly because it's fresh and not re-heated.
I actually smile today. Brian really that effect on me. We all joke around, well the people who are here. As per usual, dad isn't here. Aiden has his own family that he has to take care of. It feels nice though, I'll try coming outside once in a while.
"So how long are you going to be staying?" I ask.

"I actually have to go back by tomorrow."

"What!" I say, slamming my fist onto the table.

"Sorry, I start my internship in two days," he responds.
     I've lost my appetite now. Just when I'm getting out of my funk too. I get up from the table.

"I'm not hungry anymore," I mutter

"Cmon don't be like that Sam"
     I ignore Brian and lock myself in my room once again. I end up dozing off to sleep.

"Get up, I'll drive you to school." I feel hands shaking me.
I groan and rub my eyes. I slowly open my eyes, it's bright though, so I close them again.

"If you get up I'll take you to McDonald's."

With that I get up.

Brian laughs, "I knew that would get you up."

I get dressed and go downstairs. Brian is waiting patiently for me. He gets the keys and walks out the door, I follow like an obedient puppy.
On the way to McDonald's, Brian blasts the crap that he listens to, he scream sings it. When he lived with us, he would listen to the same stuff. He always used to blast it, thanks to that I know the words, so I sing along.
We get to the drive through and Brian turns down the music. He orders for both of us and we park in the parking lot. We could go into the actual restaurant, but we decide not to.
I'm going to town on the breakfast bagel. I got a bacon egg and cheese bagel, my personal favorite. I finish up and crumble the wrapper, We are already at school.

"Hey! No littering in my car!"

"It's no biggie, c'mon."

"Yeah yeah, won't be saying that when you have your own car and I trash it."

I hop out of the car and laugh. "Whatever dweeb, see you."

"Later." He waves and drives off.
I leave the car with a smile on my face.
"Who was that?" Asks Scarlett, coming up behind me.
"No one you need to worry about."
I continue walking, she really worsened my mood. Why does she always do that?
     I'm in first period, sitting and looking out the window. I can feel eyes burning holes in the back of my head. I try ignoring it, but it's making me feel uncomfortable. I turn around, my eyes meet blue ones. Scarlett turns around, blushing. She knows I caught her staring at me.
The teacher gets up from her desk and walks to the front of the class, "I have a special announcement everyone," she continues, "the annual superpowers tournament has been officially been announced. It's going to be in four months!"
Everyone starts talking again
"Silence! The prize has been changed. Not only will the winner get $10,000, they will also get a scholarship to Hero University, and an internship with Superhero Co."
      The tournament is for aspiring heroes. Anyone who wants to get their name out there competes. Not many try  though because of the difficulty. It consists of three challenges, two vary but one is always the same, facing off against other competitors. It's a state wide competition, people come from all around the world to watch.
     It's kind of twisted if you think about it. Watching high schoolers run around using their powers like monkeys.
Hero university is a very prestigious school, it's meant for people who want to become a hero. Everyone who graduates is guaranteed to be a famous hero. It's an excellent opportunity. I'm not interested though.


It's been about a week since they announced the tournament, people are still talking about it.
I'm in a good mood today, Brian's coming home. Today he's taking me downtown and showing me stuff, I'm so exited.
Im in the middle of class doing my work when they say on the intercom, "Samantha Smith, early dismissal."
I take my backpack and sling it over my shoulder, I head out.
I get to the office and see Brian waiting for me, a huge smile breaks out on my face.

"Wow, what a good brother, making me skip school." I joke.

"Oh please, be grateful I'm taking you out of school early," He retorts.

We both laugh. Once we get into the hallway we start goofing around, we push each other around. He pushes me so hard that I go flying across the hallway.
"Holy fuck, are you okay? I'm so sorry!" he says while running to me.
I'm rolling on the floor laughing. My stomach hurts.

"You are a psycho, there's something wrong with you." He says, laughing with me.

"HEY!" Shout one of the guards.
I pick up my stuff and we both book it. We run through the hallways as fast as we can. We fling the main doors open and get to his car. He unlocks it, we get in and look at each other for a second. We laugh so hard, I'm literally crying.
He turns on the car and we're on our way to go downtown. On the way there we play those dumb car games like I Spy, we have fun though.

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