Chapter One

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     People first started getting powers about 200 years ago. 99% of the population have powers nowadays. I'm part of the 1% that doesn't.
     My parents have taken me to multiple doctors, hoping that they would find why I still didn't have any powers. I'm seventeen and they still haven't found anything.
     You first get your powers when your around seven. Everyone knew there was something wrong with me when I was ten and still hadn't gotten my powers. That's also when the bullying started.
     All of it has sort of been numbed to me. I'm so used to it now. I've stopped talking to everyone, I live in my head.
     Beep beep beep. That means it's time for me to go to hell. This is my routine every single morning. Only have this year and another one until I get to do, whatever it is that im going to do with my life. Probably a boring old office job.
     I put on a long sleeved shirt, like I always do. The long sleeve is mostly to hide to hide the numerous cuts on my wrists. If any of the teachers saw them, they would send me to the counselor, and that's one of the last things that I want.
     I take a seat  seat and get ready to be served breakfast. I can feel my stomach grumbling and begging for food.
My mom lays a plate of eggs, bacon, and toast in front of me. "Here you go Sam."

"Thanks mom"

     She goes back to paying attention to my baby sister, Julianna. I have two younger siblings, a nine year old brother, Anthony, and Julianna, a one year old. I also have two older siblings. My oldest brother, Aiden, and my other brother Brian. I'm the middle child.
     Aiden is 27 and Brian is 20. All of my family have powers. Fairly strong ones at that. I'm the odd one out, even in my own family.
     I finish eating and getting ready for hell. I shout a farewell to my mom and head out. No one really lives near me, so no one has the same bus stop as me, which is a good thing.
     I can hear the bus coming. It comes to a halt in front of me and the doors open. I grab on to the railings and step on. I'm walking to the back, when a leg shoots up right in front of me. I trip and fall. The whole bus erupts into laughter. I pick myself up and take a seat. I'm going to get a bruise from that.
     The bus ride is relatively smooth. Well, in my standards. The bus makes a couple more stops, letting in more noisy kids. We get to school and I wait for the bus to empty so I can leave in peace.
     "Hey bud, come with us. We need to show you something real cool." I feel someone grab me by my shirt and pull on me.
     I'm dragged to a nearby alley. A set of hands roughly shove me. I hit the floor with a thump. I look at my attackers. The usual group, Leslie and her group of idiots.
     "C'mon Samantha, why are you glaring at me like that?" She teases.
     "Fuck you," I grunt.
    "Aw, is that how you speak to your best friend?" She grins.
     I spit on the ground next to her. She looks at the spit, disgust written all over her face.
     "You fucking whore! I treat you nicely, and this is the tanks I get!" 
     She picks me up by my collar, it's kind of awkward because I'm taller than her. She throws me to the floor again, I land face-first onto the pavement.
     There's a sharp pain on my side. Then another. And another. And another. They're all kicking me now. They're laughing and saying stuff like "whore" "slut" and "bitch".
"Ok girls, that's enough. I think she's learned to not disrespect us. Hey Sam, Do is all a favor and jump off a bridge."
     She gives me one more hard kick to the stomach. I stifle a groan, I can't breath. I curl up into a little ball and sit there for a little until I hear them walk away. I'm going to be late.
     I managed to limp my way over to 1st period. I lick my lip, I taste blood. Must've busted my lip when I fell. I wipe away the blood and go into class.
     The teacher is taking attendance already. I apologize and take a seat. My seat is all the way in the back next to a window. But it looks like someone is in my seat. A new student this late into the year?
I tap them on the shoulder. "I dunno if your new or something, but you're in my seat."
     Everyone in the class gasps. Did I say something wrong? I'm confused. Someone grabs my shoulder and whispers into my ear.
"Don't you know who she is? She was recently transferred, She's the daughter of the infamous Wildflame, she's Scarlett."
     I take a good look at the girl in front of me. She's has vibrant red hair, piercing dark blue eyes, and the signature Wildflame nose. Straight and sharp. She's definitely Wildflames daughter.
Wildflame is the best superhero that anyone has ever seen in quite awhile. He's been in the public eye for about a year know. He's know for his overwhelming strength and his charm. And he's taken down countless villains.
     "I don't care, she's in my seat. There are plenty of other seats she can take that isn't mine." I have nothing to lose anymore.
     She gets up and comes toward me slowly.
     "I can take whatever seat I want. I could blow you to smithereens right now if I wanted to." She lights a fire above her hand and holds it dangerously close to my face. I don't flinch.
     "Go ahead then I'm waiting." I say, completely unphased.
She looks a bit surprised. I'm guessing she's not used to people standing up to her. Even if she was weak, which she obviously is not, no one would stand up to her because of her father.
"Who the hell are you any ways? What's the amazing power that you have so much faith on that you're standing up to me?" She asks, sticking her finger in my face.

"I don't have one" I respond.

Her eyes widen and she opens her mouth slightly. I would be surprised too, I mean only 1% of the population don't have powers. It's extremely rare to ever be able to encounter someone like me.
What she does next surprises me and everyone in the class. She picks up her stuff and moves. I stand there and just kind of watch. I don't know how to react, neither does the rest of the class. I take a seat though, we are in the middle of class after all.
The rest of the day goes normally. Well, for me anyway. Walk alone, get shoved, get stuff slammed out of hand. Life is great.
The last bell rings and I go to my locker to get my book bag and stuff. I take out my stuff and shut my locker.
"Hey bud, I heard what happened today. You really have some guts."
I ignore Leslie and move on. She snatched my book bag out of my hand. She puts a hand on my chest pushing me away. I try getting back my backpack. It's just out of reach though. She throws it to one of her friends. They start playing monkey in the middle, me being the monkey.
Leslie gets it and she speeds off. Her superpower is super speed. I'm sure you can see why I have so much difficulty catching up to her now.
I've been chasing her for twenty minutes now, just calling after her. I don't know why I'm even trying anymore. It even began to rain. She comes to a stop in front of a lake. Why is there a lake here? I did not know there was a lake around these parts.

She holds it right above the water and grins.

"Leslie please don't" I plead.

"Say you're sorry"

"Ok ok, I'm sorry, just drop it." I immediately regret my choice of words.

"If you say so."

She drops it right into the water. It starts raining even harder. There a loud rumble, lightning struck dangerously close to us. I run to the river. I reach for my backpack. My footing slips and I plunge into the freezing water.

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