Chapter Five

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Scarlett's POV

The first time I saw her I was completely blown away. She was my definition of beauty, long brown hair, grey eyes, long eyelashes, full pink lips, tan skin, and blushed cheeks.
It tore me to pieces when I found blades and pills in her backpack. It feels like someone's stabbed me when I see the hollow  look in her eyes. I wish I knew how to help her, but she doesn't let me into her walls.
But more than anything I want to tell Samantha Smith that everything will be alright.

I was on my usual routine helping out my dad, running errands. I had to go downtown to deliver something. She had left about two hours early from school. I didn't think she would be here.
I was walking back to the building my dad works when I heard the screams. I ran to the screaming right away, hoping to help.
A girl was kicking a man on the ground. Near her another man is lifeless on the ground. I push through the crowd, hoping to get a better look. It was Samantha.

"Holy fuck" I let out.

Sam is sobbing. I run to her, grabbing her arms and trying to pull her back. I turn her to face me, I hold her face to look at mine. Her eyes are usually void of emotion, but now they show such raw fear and sadness.

"It's okay, you're safe," I tell her.

"He killed him, he killed him." She sobs.

     I hug her tightly, to make her feel better. Even if it's just a moment, I want to be there for her.
     It's been almost a month and she hasn't showed up to school besides for one time. The second she saw me, she ran away. I didn't get to talk to her. I'm worried about her. I don't want her to cut, or even worse, OD on her sleeping pills.

Not to mention the tournament will be
happening soon. I already know I'm going to be winning the tournament, I mean I'm the daughter of the number one hero. I've also been studying everyone's powers, a couple look pretty promising, but otherwise I'll be fine.

     I've made a couple close friends here. Jade, she's the funny one, always cracking jokes. Emma, the cool chick. Quinton, he's the nerd of the group. And Cole, he's the fuck boy (I'm pretty sure he's trying to get with me).

     Even though they're cool, I still would rather hang out with Sam. I keep seeing those stunning grey eyes when I close my eyes, I can't help it.
     I go home and grab something from the fridge. I chomp down on some chips. Man, I'm so bored. I feel like going in a quick adventure.
     I slip on shoes and I'm ready to head out. I drive for awhile, just jamming out. A forest catches my eye, I park and get out.
     At the entrance of the forest is a large stick, it's the right size for a cane. I pick it up and use it like a walking stick.

I pound it on the ground, "You shall not pass!" I chuckle at my own joke. Man, I loved lord of the rings.

     The leaves are crackling on the floor beneath me. I whistle and keep marching. The deeper I go the weirder it gets, there are more and more fallen trees. I spot a couple trees with perfectly sized holes in them.

     Something catches my attention, I turn around and walk towards a tree. It looks like it was struck by lightning, not from the top though, from the side. There's a pretty evident mark where it got hit. Nope, I'm out of here, this is getting kind of weird.

If I was in a horror movie, this would probably be the moment I would get killed. But I'm going to be smart about it and get out of here as fast as I can.

I stop by McDonald's and get an ice cream. I get recognized, and autograph a piece of paper for them. I haven't even done anything besides for be Wildflames daughter. Whatever, soon I'll be famous for being a hero myself.

I decide that it's getting pretty late so I go to sleep.
I'm in homeroom, swiping through my phone like always. Someone comes in, but I don't bother looking up. The teacher is sitting at her desk, on her computer. There are footsteps, it sound like they're going to her desk.
"Is it too late to sign up for the tournament?", asks a familiar voice.
I look up immediately. My jaw drops, Sam is back and she's asking to join the tournament.

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