Chapter Eleven

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      I remember seeing him on the TV a couple times, he's Clone-Man. He can make clones of himself. Yeah, not a very creative name.

     "Ok Liz, we can get off of him. He's a superhero." I say.

     He gets up and brushes himself off.

     "By the way, what did you mean by 'you passed'?" Liz asks.

     "Oh, this was the first test. Whoever couldn't take me down, or I took them down failed." He says

     Oh shit, everyone? "So is this happening to everyone right now?!" I ask.

     "Yup, why?"

     "I gotta go!" I shout.

     I run to Sam's room as fast as I can. All of yesterdays conversations and feelings slipping away. Now is not the time to be worried about that. I can already hear shouting and footsteps.

The door has been kicked down, I look in to see Sam on the floor in the corner and Clone-Man slowly advancing on her.

He turns to look at me, and Sam takes this moment to attack. She pulls out a knife from the inside of her boot, jumps on him, her arm strangling him. She stabs him quickly in the throat.

Blood starts gushing out of his throat. He falls to his knees, holding his throat.

"Well looks like you got it covered here." I tell her.

"I killed him!" She shouts at me.

"No, he's a superhero don't worry. His super power is cloning, it's whatever." I respond.

"What if this is his original body?"

I shrug, "he wouldn't put himself in danger like that, it's ok."

Admittedly I'm shaking. I didn't think that she would take no time in deciding to stab someone in the neck.

"You should check the pulse, just in case." I tell her.

"Why should I?!"

"You're the one who stabbed the dude" I shrug.

She bends down and touches him, her eyes roll to the back of her head and there is a bright light emanating from her.

As soon as it's over, the body is gone. What the hell?

"What just happened?" I ask her.

"No idea."she responds.

     "Has that happened before!?"

     "Twice," she admits.

     "Do you feel okay?" I ask, examining her.

     "Yeah, just a bit shaken up."

There's a bit of an awkward silence between us.

"Well, I'll see you later," I say and turn to leave.

"Wait! I don't think I've had a chance to explain myself. If you don't want to listen, it's fine, I understand."

Everything is telling me to leave. Fuck that bitch, is what my head is telling me. But when I see that desperate look on her face, I can't leave.

"Go ahead," I say.

"I want to start off by saying I am really sorry. You, of all people, don't deserve my shit. You're cool and caring, I'm none of that," she sighs, but continues, "I'm sure you know I'm struggling with some severe depression."

I remember all those different pills, blades, and cuts on her arms. I nod to show her I'm listening.

"Amethyst played a really big role in all of that, I would be lying if I said I was over her. When I saw her again, all of those past memories just started bubbling back up. I regret the way I handled all of it. When I said I like you, I really mean it. But I'm really not ready for another relationship right now, I don't want to burden someone else with my problems. I don't want our relationship to be toxic. Once again, I'm sorry."

I can't stop my body from moving, so I pull her into a hug. Not a romantic one, just one to show I'm there for her. We hold each other for a good twenty seconds. Wow she smells good.

I shake that thought away and let go of her. "Truth be told I've done the same thing. Can't say I'm too innocent."

"Really?" She asks.

"Yeah. Her name was Clarissa, I was mad that she had broken up with me."

"If you don't mind me asking, how many people have you dated?"

I whistle, "ah... that's a tough one."

"Dear lord, I'm sorry for all of those girls. Can you at least give me an estimate?"

I go back way in time and start counting, but too many come to mind. "More than you can count on your hand- well no, probably both."

Her jaw drops. She closes her mouth and shakes her head, "who was the first victim?"

I laugh, "don't call them that! Her name was Katie , first grade. She's the one who made me realize I was lesbian, she was also my first kiss. What about you?"

"Well, you already know her. It was Amethyst."

We both stand in silence. I'm not sure what to say anymore. I definitely feel better than I did before coming here. I'd be lying if I said I completely forgave her though.

"You wanna get breakfast?" She asks.

I hold my stomach, "definitely, you can never go wrong with eating."

She smiles, "you're right about that."

We go down and get some breakfast. I get a couple pancakes, I would get more, but the eggs smell gross. Last time I ate eggs that smelled like that I had diarrhea for a week.

I see Liz sitting down, already eating breakfast. I smile and wave, she motions for me to sit next to her.

"My roomie is over there, let's go sit with her," I tell Sam.

She nods and follows me. I take a seat in front of Liz and Sam sits next to me. Liz casts me a curious glance, and I shrug it off.

"I'm going to get some juice, I'll be right back," Sam says.

The second Sam leaves, Liz gives me a dirty look.

"What!?" I ask.

"Is that her?"

"I don't know that means."

She makes an exaggerated movement with her arms, "don't act dumb with me, the girl you were crying over all night! You did not make up with her after all that drama."

I poke my pancake, "this pancake is really dry," I say, ignoring everything that she said.

She sighs, "I'll take that as a yes."

Sam returns with three cups in her hand, " I wasn't sure if you guys wanted some, so I brought them anyways."

I say thank you and give Liz a look. She flares her nostrils and thanks Sam.

We talk about school and our grades, when a woman I recognize as a superhero comes in and says she has an announcement.

"Hello future superheroes, I've come to personally tell you that today will be your first trial," she lets us whisper and talk about what we think it is, "it will be an obstacle course, that's all I will tell you about it. Be ready to run, meeting time will be here in three hours. I suggest you put on something you're not afraid will get dirty, See you then."

The room erupts in chatter.

I look at Sam with concern. As much as I enjoy her being here with me, I fear this is as far as she's gonna get.

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