bonus: facetime

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1:30 pm central eastern time.

time to facetime brett!

eddy had rushed back to his hotel room in downtown berlin, bursting through the door after a meeting to make sure he had time to call his boyfriend before he fell asleep. the time difference was not kind to the two lovers.

he was excited to see brett's face after being in germany for five days, during which the two had yet to facetime. both of them were very busy— eddy was getting settled in with the berlin philharmonic as an artist-in-residence for a couple of weeks, and brett was occupied with concerts and rehearsals back in sydney.

the separation was painful—after spending a week living together in brisbane and seeing each other all the time, being apart made both of them heartbroken.

but eddy tried not to think about that as he frantically opened his laptop, typing his password in record time and clicking the 'call' button.

each ring made eddy's heart jump.

pick up, brett, come on.

another ring, and eddy was worried brett wasn't going to answer.

he leaned deeper into the corner of the couch, his gaze burning holes into the computer screen.

brett, where are you?

then, the reassuring swoosh jingle of brett answering the call put eddy at ease, and he let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding.

brett's face filled his computer screen in surprisingly high quality, considering the questionable hotel wifi.

from the angle eddy could tell that brett had answered the call on his laptop, and he was propped up on brett's bed while brett himself stood to the side.

"eddy!" brett exclaimed, short of breath but still relaying a wide smile.

eddy's heart leapt at the sight of brett's beaming face.

he missed his boyfriend so much.

"hi baby."

brett's cheeks warmed at the nickname. it had been much too long since he had last heard eddy's voice, and the distance between them was becoming more unbearable with each minute.

but, a video call would have to suffice for now.

brett looked longingly at eddy through the computer screen, undisturbed by the momentary silence.

"why aren't you in bed yet? it's late," eddy's concerned voice poured through his speakers like honey, snapping brett out of his daze.

"yeah, sorry, just got home from a concert," brett moved further back, revealing that he was still dressed in concert attire.

he had rushed home just like eddy did, eager to see him again, albeit over a laptop screen. traffic held him up as usual though, and he almost missed eddy's call in a rush to change out of his suit.

so there he stood in his room, belt undone and dress shirt half unbuttoned, hair dancing wildly under the warm light of his bedroom lamp, smiling at his boyfriend who was thousands of kilometers away.

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