the missed rehearsal (b.y)

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brett laid on his bed in his tiny, one room apartment, his violin case closed, across the room.

he had come home after the encounter with eddy in the bathroom and changed out of his coffee soaked clothes into some comfortable sweatpants and a jumper. now, he watched from his bedroom window as the fall sun began to set on the sydney horizon.

he tried not to think about the very important rehearsal he was missing, but to no avail. he knew that the new soloist was probably annoyed that, of all people, the concertmaster didn't show, but what was he to do? his left hand was still functional, but his right hand had taken the brunt of the burn, and was wrapped in gauze. there was no way he could play the violin like this, no matter how much he wanted to.

and he wanted to—the thought of going a day (or more) without practice made brett uneasy, and he couldn't bear to think about his violin going unused for days at a time.

and even more than that, his apartment was eerily quiet without the sound of his nightly practice session, one denoted with hours of the latest piece he was working on, in this case that piece being the sibelius concerto he had seen eddy reading that morning.

speaking of eddy, brett couldn't keep his mind off the tall man who had held his hands so gently. the way he stood much taller than brett and yet wasn't too intimidating, especially with his soft gaze and kind tone.

whatever, i'm just embarrassing myself. he's a stranger, i'll never see him again. brett thought, trying to convince his overactive brain to be quiet so he could fall asleep.

and anyways, brett hadn't had a crush, much less had a boyfriend, in years, and now wasn't a good time to do so, as he was trying to finally get somewhere with his music career.

but it would be nice, maybe, to have someone.

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