night two, three, four...

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the rest of the week seemed to fly by for eddy. the concerts were getting better and better, and eddy felt himself gaining confidence with each note he played on the sydney stage.

it also might be mentioned that him and brett were getting closer, despite the fact that they'd only known each other for a few days. they would sit together in eddy's dressing room during rehearsal breaks, and hang out after every concert. sometimes it was dinner, or even dessert, and other times they sat under the moonlight and talked into the late hours of the night.

the nights would always end the same, and brett and eddy would part ways, eddy always watching brett retreat into the distance in a taxi or a bus.

it wouldn't be long, though, until they saw each other the next morning at the coffee shop or at the opera house in the evening.

it also didn't take long for eddy to notice that his feelings for brett were growing exponentially. whenever they were together, he became aware of the way his heart would skip beats whenever brett smiled at him, or whenever their hands would brush one another as they walked down the street. and whenever they were apart, well there was always two things on eddy's mind. the first, of course, being practice, and the second being brett.

the same could be said for brett, who kept catching himself daydreaming about eddy while he made coffee or wiped a table down at the café. although, brett was infinitely more nervous at the notion of having a crush on eddy than eddy was about having a crush on brett. brett hadn't been in a relationship in a while, and didn't know if he could stand to be so close with someone again. however, the thought that this "someone" could be eddy both scared and excited brett, and he didn't know quite how to feel about it.

he knew that he liked spending ridiculous amounts of time with eddy, and he liked to watch eddy in rehearsal, at the concert, and as he walked down the street (so basically anywhere).

but, he didn't know if he could handle a relationship, especially since eddy was likely leaving in just over a week to go who knows where, and to do bigger and better things as a soloist.

the thought of eddy leaving made brett sad, and he tried not to think about it as he walked into the opera house for yet another concert with eddy chen.


a/n: this was kind of a filler chapter and was short but the next chapter is when things start to pick up i promise :)

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