in the rain (pt. 2)

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if there was one thing brett didn't expect to happen that night, it was for eddy to be in his apartment.

so, you could imagine his surprise when he suddenly felt eddy's lips on his.

the kiss began softly, eddy's large hands grasping on to brett's jaw, his fingers curling around brett's ears. there was little response from brett, whose brain seemed to be short circuiting as a result of all the physical contact.

brett soon began to connect the dots when eddy started moving forwards, pushing brett up against the front door. now, his brain went into overdrive, synapses firing with every touch of eddy's lips on his.

brett latched onto the hem of eddy's shirt and started to kiss him back, the kiss now more forte than piano.

then, a loud clap of thunder startled the two out of their trance, and eddy jumped away from brett, who remained pressed against the closed door.

"brett, i-i'm sorry i don't know wh—"
eddy stuttered, but brett wasn't processing any of it, he was too mesmerized by eddy's flushed cheeks and pink lips.

and so, following a terribly human impulse, brett stepped forward, wrapped his arms around the taller mans neck, and stood up ever so slightly on his toes, silencing eddy's apology with another kiss.

this time, the kiss was distinctly pianissimo, the sweet taste of bubble tea still lingering on their lips. even after being soaked in the rain, the smell of eddy's woodsy cologne flooded his senses, leaving him with a fuzzy feeling of intoxication.

but soon enough, the two pulled away from each other, the sound of their labored breaths reverberating off of the white walls along with the muted noise of the pouring rain.

there existed an uncomfortable silence for a moment, brett looking down at his hands and eddy gazing around the apartment.

"so, about that sweatshirt..." eddy trailed off with a small grin, turning his attention back to brett.

"yeah, uh sure" brett blushed, rushing into his closet to find something for eddy to wear, he himself quickly changing into a clean sweater of his own.

before he returned to eddy, though, he stood in the darkness of his closest, bringing his fingers up to trace his slightly swollen lips, checking to make sure that the kiss wasn't just a silly dream. it was real.

brett walked into his living room and was greeted with yet another surprise: a shirtless eddy sitting on his couch.

he tried not to stare too long, but his eyes inevitably followed the droplets of water sliding down eddy's toned back.

"hey, here you go" brett said, throwing the grey sweatshirt at eddy, his voice slightly shaky due to the fact that he just walked in on his crush sitting half-naked on his couch.

"thanks" eddy replied, standing up while he pulled the sweater over his head, giving brett a full view of his chest and abdomen.

do not look at him, brett, don't do it, c'mon don't— brett chanted inside his head, but ultimately gave in and took a shy glance at eddy.

holy shit brett thought, his heart rate immediately rising, blood rushing to his cheeks.

"it seems like the rain isn't going to let up anytime soon." eddy sighed, wandering over to the window.

"well, you could stay here for the night, if you wanted to. it's probably not ideal to go home in the rain anyways." brett offered.

"i wouldn't want to intrude, i'll just—"

"it's fine, really, stay" brett insisted, cutting him off. he didn't particularly favor being alone, much less when there was a raging thunderstorm outside.

"you could take the couch" brett suggested in a small voice.

eddy nodded in agreement, unable to resist the kind eyes of the man in front of him.

at his response, brett left the room to grab a spare blanket and a pillow for eddy, his heart still pounding from seeing eddy so exposed like that.

when he returned, eddy was still standing at the window, watching the rain drip down the glass. he had also turned out the lights while brett was gone, now the only source of light being the bright moon in the night sky.

"here" brett said quietly, not wanting to interrupt eddy's observation of the weather outside. he stood next to the taller man, handing over the blanket and pillow.

eddy turned slowly, tired eyes sparkling under the moonlight.

"goodnight, brett" eddy said, and placed a whisper of a kiss upon brett's lips.

brett's breath seemed to stop as eddy pulled away, the soft kiss reminding him of how eddy had pressed him up against the door just minutes ago.

and with that, eddy padded towards the couch and settled in, leaving brett stunned by the window.

after a moment, he came to his senses and turned to walk into his bedroom.

"goodnight, eddy." brett responded, his voice nearly drowned out by the sound of the rain hitting the glass.

that night, brett slept with his door open (an extremely rare occurrence), the soft sounds of eddy's breath lulling him to sleep.

and so with the rain pattering on the roof above them, and the moon glowing across an empty sky, the two violinists fell asleep, cheeks pink and hearts full.


when brett rose in the morning, an uneasy silence resonated throughout his apartment.

he was greeted by an empty living room, and his heart dropped ever so slightly.

then, he noticed his sweatshirt sitting on the corner of his kitchen counter, accompanied by a small napkin.

scrawled across the square napkin was the following message:

          thank you for the shelter last night, brett. i'll see you at tomorrow's concert.

and then, in the corner, so small brett almost didn't see it:

+61 2 9264 1661 text me ;)

brett couldn't help but smile wide at the note, and blushed as it reminded him of the very exhilarating events of the previous night.


a/n: i hope you all enjoyed some cute, very much in love breddy. also, that phone number is the number to a sydney, aus mcdonalds ;)

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