coffeeshop (b.y)

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it was early in the morning, the sun peeking through the smudged windows of the quaint sydney coffee shop, and brett tied his apron around his waist, preparing for what he hoped to be a productive day.

after the morning rush of customers, brett finally had time to breathe, only a few people left lingering in the coffee shop. he began to make himself a coffee when the harsh ring of the door opening snapped him out of his concentrated state. a tall man, with dark hair and even darker eyes, lanky but still graceful, entered the coffee shop with an aura of confidence, striding up to the counter.

"can i get a coffee? with cream and sugar, please." the mysterious man asked.

startled by his presence, and the remarkable tone of the man's voice, brett paused for a moment.

"excuse me?"

"coffee. cream and sugar, too."

he recovered quickly, the soft timbre of the man's voice bringing him out of his daze.

"sorry, sir, that'll be $2.50." brett responded, a hint of anxiety ever so present in his voice. he didn't dare make eye contact with the man, and couldn't bring himself to speak when the man handed him the money—exact change—and their hands slightly brushed together. at the barely noticeable touch, and due to a slight feeling of embarrassment, brett's cheeks tinged with a soft pink color, one only noticeable to the man who stood in close proximity.

"can i get a name for your order?" brett shook himself out of his strange state, internally questioning why this random stranger made him so flustered.

"eddy." the man responded, with a voice that sent brett's heart beating 100 miles a minute.

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