bonus: a day at the beach

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sorry for the wait—i was feeling very lost with this chapter and it took me a lot longer than usual to write it. but prepare for some softness now that brett and eddy are finally together! enjoy :)


vacation was finally upon him, and brett couldn't be happier. he looked lovingly over at his boyfriend whose eyes were concentrated on the road in front of him, and whose hand held onto brett's lightly as he drove down the empty highway.

they were taking a day trip to the gold coast to visit the beach before eddy became inevitably wrapped up in rehearsals and performances for the next two weeks. brett was beyond excited, he hadn't had a proper beach trip in years, and on top of that, what could be better than spending the whole day with eddy? he was going to have to get used to it, after all he was going to be living with eddy in brisbane for two weeks.

"coffee first?" eddy asked, tired eyes trained on the road ahead as he drove down the highway. they had been driving all morning and desperately needed something to wake them up.

brett nodded, and soon enough they found themselves walking into a café just outside of the city.

they sipped their coffee leisurely as brett gazed thoughtfully out of the window.

"do you remember when we first met?" brett inquired. almost immediately he remember the incident with the coffee spill, and buried his head in his hands in embarrassment. "oh god, that was humiliating wasn't it?"

"you were cute," eddy laughed in response, "and you're still cute now." brett looked up at him, blushing at the compliment.

"well, at least you're not as scary as you used to be," brett said with a smirk. eddy looked at him in surprise.

"scary? since when was i scary?" eddy teased.

"you were just so... confident," brett hesitated before continuing, slightly embarrassed, "and tall."

eddy's eyes crinkled around the edges as he laughed and brett could do nothing more but gaze in admiration. he was smitten.


the beach was nearly empty—just slightly cloudy and the fall wind whistled over the dark blue waves. it wasn't cold per sé, just not quite typical beach weather.

but it was perfect for the two of them. especially for brett. he wanted to make the most of their day together and it would have been much more difficult to do so had there been more people around. he wasn't particularly fond of public displays of affection.

eddy laid out a sheet for the two to sit on, pinning the corners down with miscellaneous rocks as brett gazed out into the horizon, where the sky and the sea seemed to blend seamlessly.

"it's beautiful out, isn't it?" eddy commented, pulling brett by the hand to sit next him, intertwining their fingers. brett just nodded and leaned his head on eddy's shoulder.

"almost as beautiful as you," eddy added. brett's face twisted as he grinned.

"that was a bit cheesy," brett responded, feigning disapproval.

"you love it though," eddy said in defense, giving brett a sloppy peck on the cheek.

brett rolled his eyes. eddy was right, but brett certainly wasn't going to admit it. he stood up suddenly, pulling both himself and eddy to their feet.

"lets go swim," brett suggested, peeling off his blue t-shirt in the process. he walked towards the ocean slowly, eddy trailing behind him and his feet sinking into the warm sand. the water pushed at his toes, sneaking up to his ankles and then retreating as he stood at the edge of the ocean. the salty air was refreshing in combination with the cool wind, and brett just wanted to close his eyes and take it all in.

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