❅ Chapter Nine ❅

Start from the beginning

Vincent glanced over at her turning around. Even if they could, the lock was the type you couldn't pick, and if you tried it would take forever and many tools and hands. "They must have the key and to set the workers free we must defeat them." He explained as he started to the top of the ship, grabbing Risa's hand, and beginning to pull her up the stairs.

Risa frowned, following behind him and pulling her hand away from him. She did not want him to touch her. "Don't pull me. I think I can manage to get up here without pulling on my hand telling me to go. I'm not a kid who has to be pulled away from the candy store window." She sarcastically replied with a frown. Did he have to treat her like a child?

Vincent narrowed his eyes at her, a bit annoyed at her comment. "Just come on we have to hurry up. Who knows what they are doing while we just doddle here." He quickly walked up the steps making sure to keep quiet, feather walking per se, making sure not to break anything.

Risa groaned softly, throwing her head back not too happy with his rushing. "After we get them, what are we going to do with them? I haven't thought that far ahead, have you?" She asked in a condescending way. Looking back at Loyal who was at her heels, or at least trying to catch up.

Vincent rolled his eyes and blew his hair from his face. "We will tie them up and hand them over to the Russian authorities. Then they can do whatever they want with them since it is their jurisdiction." He whispered the last bit, slowly slipping over to some boxed on the main deck. He hoped his knowledge would impress Risa but it was doubtful.

Loyal and Risa crept up the stairs and over to Vincent was sitting. Risa picked up Loyal and set her down on a box. She put her index finger to her mouth, motioning for Loyal to not make a sound. She did not need her dog barking or whining, that would make things worse.

Vincent looked up at the dark sky as thunder rumbled across the sky. "Oh great, a lovely night for a storm, just what we need." He deadpanned softly, peaking through the boxes to try and figure out where the men were at. He wasn't happy it would begin raining, that would make things horrible.

The men were having a hard time untying the rope to the mainsail with the cold wind and wet rain that began to pick up at this very moment. It was coming down at a good rate that drenched them and made things miserable. However, they kept on persevering, knowing nothing would stand in their way.

Jimmy tapped his foot aggressively on the floor as his men struggled. "Hurry up, you guys are taking forever on something that should be easy." His voice was drenched in agitation at his men and their incompetence doing simple things. How hard could this be? He could do it in his sleep.

Manny looked over at his Jimmy and frowned. They were trying. He wanted to tell him to do it himself, but he knew that wouldn't end well. "I can only go as fast as I can with gloves on my hands to keep them warm." He struggled with untying the knot. "How on earth do they expect someone to get the mainsail untied? A giant couldn't even get it undone." He mumbled the last part under his breath.

Jimmy's face planned, why, why did he have to get stuck with these morons. "Will you stop your whining Manny and just get it done. Take off your gloves if it is that hard to get it them on, it's not like your gloves are helping keep you warm. Stop acting like morons." He commented sitting down on a crate

Manny was a little angry by his words, but he certainly did show it. He took off his gloves and stuffed them in his pockets. "Now, you didn't grow up with seven sisters. You weren't the one in the middle and had girls on both sides of ya in the family pictures, so please forgive me." He sarcastically shot back untying the knot.

Hank looked up at Jimmy and something came to mind. "What are we going to do with the passengers? What will we tell them when they wake up in the morning or find out what we have done!" He exclaimed a little panicky but he took a deep breath and was fine.

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