Chapter 4: The Tape (Marie)

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I asked Octavio if he could show me the video of Callie attacking me, and he said he'd be happy to. He brought me into a movie theater and told me to choose a seat. I chose the back middle, the area where Callie and I usually sat. It was weird sitting in this area when I would be watching a video of Callie beating me. The thought of that sent chills down my spine. I wanted to see it, but I was afraid of what I'd see.

The screen suddenly showed me leaving our house and waving to Callie. I said that I'd be back in ten minutes. I walked for a minute until Callie snuck up on me and hit me in the back with her roller. I fell to the ground, and when I was trying to get back, she hit me again. This continued for a minute until a group of Octolings ran over and started to fight Callie. Callie was able to kill three of them before she retreated. Then I saw myself go unconscious. The video ended there. 

Then Octavio walked into the theater and sat down by me.

"So, you see her brutality now?" Octavio asked. "No mercy whatsoever."

"Yeah..." I said.

I couldn't believe what I had just seen. My cousin, who I'd been friends with since childhood, tried to kill me. I started to cry, which prompted Octavio to take me out of the theater and bring me to another room.

"I know what'll lift your spirits," Octavio told me. "We need to get you a new outfit."

"What's wrong with my current outfit?" I asked, realizing that I had the same sweatshirt on that I had on when Callie attacked me.

"You need something more... stylish," Octavio concluded. "I'll find you something."

After a few minutes, Octavio came out with an outfit and told me to put it on. I went being a curtain and put it on. When I came out, he had a look of approval on his face. The outfit was a modified version of the Octoling armor. It had a decent amount of green on it, which I liked, but it felt weird wearing Octoling armor.

"I don't know," I said. "I don't think it's my style."

"Just try it out for a while," Octavio said. "I think you'll come to like it. Also, you can take those shades off if you don't like them. I just thought they looked good."

I hadn't even realized that I was wearing glasses. "Okay."

I went back to my room and set the shades on my nightstand. Later, after having dinner, I decided to ask Octavio why he stole the Great Zapfish.

"Hey, Octavio, I have a question," I told him.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Why did you steal the Great Zapfish a couple of years ago?"

"Because the Octarians struggle without it," Octavio explained. "The Inklings do just fine without it, but when we don't have it, we crumble. They have other sources of energy, we don't."

"Oh, so you're just trying to make it even?" I asked.

"Yeah," Octavio confirmed.

"Well, uh, sorry for helping Agent 3 take it back," I said. "I never realized that you guys need it."

"That's okay," Octavio accepted my apology. "Callie and your grandpa probably told you that we just want it to take over the world."

It seemed kind of cruel to keep such a big power source for yourself when you don't need it and somebody else does. So why did Callie want to get it back so back? I guess she is cruel from that video, so it makes sense.

"Octavio, I want revenge on Callie."

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