28th chp

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I was shocked reading the application, the date written is of today, that means he's gonna submit this today. I kept the letter back in its place and went to meet yoongi.

I rushed into cafeteria, saw everyone were there except Y/N, "Jungkook... he's leaving college" I said panting.

"What?" Alex exclamined,"Are you kidding?" She added.

"Of course not" I answered,

"You are not mistaken, right?" Namjoon questioned,

"No, I'm not, I just saw his application, and I think he's gonna submit it today" I informed,

"Call that bastard, ask him, where's he" yoongi ordered.
I quickly called him, "Jungkook, where are you?" I inquired,

"I have some work to do so I'm heading towards admin office, why?" He answered,

"Nothing, after finishing come at cafeteria" I said and hung up.

"THIS BASTARD!!" Yoongi slammed the table, was about to leave but Carol stopped him.

"He won't listen to you, the only person can stop him is in fucking library, I have to tell her" Carol said,

"You think that'll work?" I confirmed.

"I bet my ass" she said confidentiality and left.

"Hope, she's right" Alex said with sadden face,

"Yeah" I agree as I took seat.



"Thank you, ma'am" I said to librarian and headed out, Carol was running at her full speed heading towards me.
"Y/N" she said panting.

"Carol, is everything okay?" I asked in concerne.

"No!!" She answered still short on breath, "Jungkook is going to leave college, he's submitting application today" she added.

listening to what she said, just felt like someone hovered truck over me, sudden realization that he's leaving, that I won't be able to see him, "Y/N, You have to stop him, you know once he submitts the application there's no turning back" Carol grabbs my shoulder and shakes me, making me comeback from my thoughts,

"Bu-" she cuts me off, "No buts! You love him, don't you?" She asked, I nodded, "Then go fucking stop him!" she said.

"what about you?" I asked,

"At times of like this you are still thinking about me? Have you lost it?" She shouts at me, "I'm so thankful to have a friend like you, you've done enough for me. go and do something for yourself, for that idiot who loves you so much" she added.

I was confused, what I will do? The admin office is like in another building, even if I reached there, will jungkook listen? Will he stop?

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU THINKING?" She scolded me, "if you don't go, you will regret this for your whole fucking life" she motivated me.

"Yeah..yeah, I should go" I decided, she took bag from my hand.

"Go, say him what you've bottled uptill now" she said softly, I smiled and started running towards him.

I ran at my full speed, with everything I have. I will say him everything, that idiot how can he leave me? I bumped in to someone, "I'm sorry" I apologized and continued running, the fucking stairs. I reached down the building of our department and started walking towards the admin office, "Oh god" I groaned, I hope he is still on his way otherwise I'll be fucking up very bad this time. I kept bumping into people, first day of college after winter break, there's so much crowd. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm sorry" I apologized as I pass through the crowd, I reached the building, 2nd floor, I climbed stairs as fast as I could, "OH god!!!" I couldn't walk anymore but I still kept going, my lungs were out of the air but I couldn't stop. I can't let him leave, "one more floor!!" I said to my self as started climbing the stairs.

I finally reached 2nd floor, I spotted jungkook only a few steps away from entering into office, "JEON JUNGKOOK!!!!" I shouted with every vocal cord I had. He turned back, I could sense he was shocked, I ran towards him, I was about to reach near him, but I tripped and fell on him, we both fell on the floor. I tried to get up, I realized, I was on him, he had hurt his elbow and was rubbing it on sore spot, while groaning in pain. If I moved off him, he will run off. I sat on his lap, trapping him. He was still in shock and in pain but soon he realized I was sitting on his lap.

"Don't leave me" I said as I tried to catch air.

"You are the one who asked me to leave remember?" He said sarcastically,

"I know, but I don't want you to leave" I said,

"Y/N, I'm not your slave, who'll do as you say!" He said angrily,

"You are not, I'm not saying you are but just don't leave, one last time listen to me" I requested, he didn't say anything, just looked at me with his cold eyes, which were erupting anger, "I know I have always taken your love as granted, always thought you'll be with me, I didn't know you will actually listen to me when I said you to leave me" I said panting, "I'm sorry, I've hurted you the most, I have always ran from my feelings for you, from the day 1, have been running, I'm sorry" I added, "I- please give me one last chance...one last chance to face my feelings..one last chance to face you... please..one last chance to properly cherish you...one last chance...let me love you"  I requested as tear escaped my eyes.

he wiped my tear with his thumb as he scanned my face with big doey eyes and before I could realize anything he place his lips on mine, his lips tastes the best, I kissed him back, I kissed him without stopping myself, felt like I was a free bird, he makes me go crazy, he makes me not want to hold back myself from anything, that much power his love has on me, I cupped his face, pulling him closer, his hand slide on my waist, we kissed more passionately, he seemed like he's been holding back as much as I have.

We pulled back slowly, short on our breath, his lips glistening with my kiss, he rested his forehead on mine as he smiled, I smiled back, I didn't felt this much happiness in long time, he's the reason of my smile and my tears.

I heard people cheering us, I looked around and saw everyone were standing surrounding us, I saw Yoongi couple, tae and Carol, and Namjoon with his girl, cheering for us, I realized I was still sitting on Jungkook's lap, I got up instantly, feeling embarrassed.

"YOU DID IT!!" Carol shouted excitedly,

"WOOHOO!!" Tae and Alex were screaming, yoongi and Namjoon were smiling at us, every other student were also screaming.

"Oh god!!" I felt so embarrassed as I turned to Jungkook and buried my face in his chest, he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I heard him laughing,

"Don't laugh!" I scolded him,

"How can I not?" He continued laughing, I was going red, I can't believe I confessed him in front of whole college.

"I didn't knew you could be this bold" jungkook smirked at me,

"Your love makes me do every thing that is not in my character" I pouted, he smiled and took me in his embrace, I hugged him back. One of the safest place in the world-jungkook's arms.

To be continued.


Did you all liked it?? I hope you have, but wait there's 1 more chapter left😏

Thanks for reading.

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