Chapter Nineteen

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The afternoon light was flooding the room having me realize just how stressed I am, how on edge I am. I fold up my clothes and start to move to putting my photos and albums into boxes. I head down stairs to check on Elena, but stop when I hear talking.

"If you believe that, then why take my blood at all? You want a back up family? You know that your siblings will never trust you again." Elena says to Nik.

"You know Stefan blames me for trying to tear him from his brother? But I think we both know who really came between them. You. That's why you won't choose. You know once you choose a Salvatore, you'll destroy their bond.. Consider this me doing you a favor. Once you're dead, you won't have to choose. No broken hearts. Their family stays intact." Nik tells Elena, shocking me.

He's going to kill Elena? I silently walk into the room, and see Nik right in front of Elena, facing her. Neither one of them being able to see me. "Just between us girls, who would you have picked?" Nik asks, taunting her.

"What about Clara? do you really think she'll stay with you after she finds out you killed her sister?" Elena questions him, angrily.

"She'll be safe with me. Sure, she'll be sad, but you stopped being her sister the moment you told her she wasn't a part of your family. That's the wound you've given her. Maybe once you're gone, she'll be able to heal and find her real family with me." Nik scolds her all sounds taunting gone from his tone.

"Rot in hell." Elena tells him. Then looks past him, to me.

"Hmm. You're welcome. Sweet dreams Elena. It's been fun." Nik tells her, then walks out of the room from the door behind Elena. Not noticing me in the room, or at least not acknowledging that he knows I'm in the room.

Elena looks at me sad and tries to struggle out of the restraints. I walk in front of her, and try to sooth her, grabbing her hand. I know if I let her go, all hell would break loose with Nik, and maybe even the world.

"I'm sorry." I whisper to her. She whimpers almost pleading with me to release her.

I hear someone enter the room, I look over and see Tyler walking towards us. He goes behind the chair and begins to untie Elena. I give him a confused look. "What are you doing?" I ask him, but he shushes me.

I start to back out of the room, realizing that he's no longer sired to Nik. Elena looks at me, pleading again. "Nik!" I yell out.

Elena looks past me to the door way, her eyes widen, "Tyler." she says and Tyler turns around looking at Nik and I.

Tyler stands next to the chair and faces us, "So much for that sire bond." Nik says, calm anger and annoyance in his tone.

"I'm not your little bitch anymore." Tyler tells Nik.

Nik lets out a little "Hm." then enters the room. "How did you break the ire bond?" Nik asks as he stands next to me.

"By breaking every bone in my body a hundred times for the girl I love." Tyler explains.

"That's impossible." Nik states in disbelief.

"Is it? Or maybe real love is stronger then false loyalty. But what would you know about that?" Tyler tells Nik, getting right up in his face. and glances at me during the last part.

"You know, you should be thanking me. I gave you a gift, I took away your misery." Nik tells Tyler angrily.

"You didn't give a crap about me! You just didn't want to be alone." Tyler shouts at Nik, then walks over to Elena, helping her up.

I look over at Nik and see rage in his eyes. He speeds over and pushes Elena out of Tyler's grip causing her to hit the ground hard. He then pins Tyler up against the wall. I rush over to Elena, checking her pulse, which was fine. "Good bye Tyler." Nik says. Then before he could Kill Tyler; Tyler breaks his arm and puts it behind his back.

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