Chapter Four

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It's been a few days and I haven't talked to anyone. I've only been doing school work, but groceries and take photos. Recently the town has been preparing for old school movies at the park, so I've got some really good photos of the set ups and some people in costumes.

At around noon, I have successfully finished my final homework for school. I walk around town hopefully finding something interesting and avoid going home.

I was walking around the main part of town, unsure of what to do with the rest of my evening. I turn a corner and I almost ran into Elijah and Nik.

"Oh, Hello Elijah, Nik." I greet them. They both give me a smile but then glance at each other confused.

"Hello love, I didn't know that you knew my older brother." Nik says to me, his famous smirk on his face.

"Hello Clara." Elijah says simply in greeting. I glance between them both, a bit surprised that they were related.

"Oh, I didn't know you two were related. Uh, I met Elijah while I was in Seattle. And, I met Nik here in town." I explain to them both.

"I hope my brother has been behaving himself." Elijah says, giving Nik a look,  amusing me to smile.

"Give me some credit brother, I've been nothing but kind to our dear Clara here." Nik tells him, the mischief clear in his eyes.

"It's okay Elijah, he truly has been nothing but kind." I tell him, look between the two.

"Clara, why don't you join us this evening, it's been awhile since we've spent time together." Nik suggests.

"Oh, I don't want to intrude." I tell them.

"Nonsense, we both obviously enjoy you company, so please spend the evening with us?" Nik asks again.

"Alright, if you insist." I tell him, causing him to smirk confidently because he convinced me.

Elijah glances at Nik, then at me and smiles. Elijah leads us into the building that we were outside of. I could sense a bit of tension between the brothers, but decided to ignore it considering I have tension with my siblings at times.

Nik walks forward and opens the door, Elijah and I following behind. "Klaus you're back, look who decided to come for a visit." The voice of my sister fills the room, confusing me.

I look past Nik and Elijah to see Elena and Stefan within the apartment. "You just keep popping up, don't you?" Nik response towards Stefan.

I look between everyone, really confused, I might be missing something. "I need your help, for my brother." Stefan say to Nik, stepping forward.

"Well, whatever it is, it's going to have to wait a tick. You see, I have an obligation to my brother. And the company of the lovely Clara. And that requires my immediate attention." Nik tells Stefan, Gesturing to Elijah and myself.

Stefan looks towards the two of us, and his eyes noticeably widen when landing on me. Nik walks away, having Elijah walk more into the apartment in front of Stefan.

"You understand how important family is or you wouldn't be here. My brother gave me his word that he would reunite me with my own." Elijah tells him.

"And so I shall." Nik's voice suddenly sounds from next to me, causing me to jump and Elijah to turn around. But right as he did, Nik stabs Elijah causing him to shout in pain.

Suddenly I'm not next to Nik but behind Stefan, Causing me to be both shocked and confused. Elijah's skin suddenly started to turn grey and he fell to the ground.

Nik then looks over at me then Stefan, they they were suddenly no longer in my sight. A thud came from behind m, making me turn around to see Nik holding Stefan against a wall.

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