Chapter Sixteen

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I was told to stay home while Rebekah and Nik go to find Finn. Even though they had burned down the white oak, they don't want to take any chances. 

I was reading when I heard the doors slam open. I quietly sneak around and look around the corner in case someone had broken in. But I see Nik and Rebekah, with Finn thrown on the ground.

"Gather your witch. Lets get his blood and get on with it." Rebekah says. I stay were I am, wanting to hear whats going on now that they're found Finn.

"You can't force me to help you." Finn tells them.

"Oh, I most likely could. But why force when I can persuade?" Nik says, then gesture to the stairs, where a red headed woman came down.

My eyes widen, I didn't know someone else was here. "Hello Finn." she says to him.

He looks shocked to see her, "Sage!" he says then rushes to stand. They rush to each other, happiness in they're eyes as they embrace.

"What do you know. True love prevails." Rebekah says to Nik.

"It does occasionally have it's uses. Easier then torturing him." Nik tells his sister while on his phone.

"I have something to do. What do you need from me for this spell?" Rebekah questions her brother.

"Just your blood and your blessings. Where are you going?" Nik tells her then asks. 

"I have some unfinished business with Damon Salvatore. Ask Sage what he did to me. And you'll understand why retribution is in order." Rebekah explains before leaving.

Nik stands there for a second before then disappearing. "You aren't very good at hiding." Nik's voice whispers from behind me.

I gasp and turn around to see him smirking at me. "Don't do that! You scared me." I tell him, shoving him lightly.

That gesture causes him to laugh, "Sorry love, but it was a rubbish hiding spot." Nik tells me.

I laugh as well, "Oh whatever. I'm just glad your back." I tell him.

"Really? Did you miss me already?" Nik smirks.

I smile and put my arms around his shoulders, lacing my fingers together behind his neck, "Maybe" I say leaning towards him, but before I kiss his lips, and move to kiss his cheek then let go of him and walk backwards into the room I was reading in.

I hear him groan, causing me to laugh. "You're such a tease love." he says the doorway,causing me to laugh once again. "I'll be back, I've got witch business to attend to." he tells me before walking away.

I grab my book and head to the bedroom to relax, knowing that it'll probably get busy and hectic soon downstairs knowing how Rebekah and Nik are.


I was right, after a few hours. I heard shouts and groans of pain. I get up and walk downstairs. I open a closed door to see Damon suspended in air by bear traps and Rebekah with a knife.

"Hello Clara, come to see my handy work." Rebekah says before cutting once more into Damon, blood going down his chest and his groaning in pain.

"No just came to see the source of the noise. Found it. Uh, continue on." I say a bit surprised and just close the door.

I walk away and go to find Nik. I walk to the foyer and see Nik and Bonnie. "See I know the spells in the Grimoire, and I know the spell requires the blood of those linked." Nik says walking over to the table as I walk into the room.

"What's going on." I ask, slightly confused.

"Ah, just on time. Bonnie here is going to un-link us." Nik says as he opens a box revealing vials of blood, "Elijah, Rebekah, Kol, Finn." he tells Bonnie gesturing to each one, then points at me, "Clara." he then bits into his palm, "Where do you want us?" he asks Bonnie.

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