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Nothing very eventful happened for the rest of the week. Tyler and Josh did however manage to get detention for skipping the rest of the school day for the next week. Tyler didn't really mind though. He got to spend a week with Josh, alone after school for 5 days. Josh didn't entirely mind either, so in the end, everything was still great. Tyler was warming up to the uniforms, and Josh was warming up to having a roommate.

"You're detention starts now. Remain silent, and finish your homework. If I catch either of you breaking those rules, it'll be another week added. I will be in the teachers lounge." The headmaster said grumpily, before walking out of the room, closing the door behind him. Tyler instantly turned to Josh.

"So." He started. "How must we make the time past. Shall we make out in the janitors closet, or fuck in the principal's office?" Tyler joked, making Josh burst into laughter.

"You're fucking stupid."

"I know." Tyler beamed and got up out of his seat and into an empty desk next to Josh, since the headmaster made them sit across the room from each other.

Tyler kicked his feet up and rested them across Josh's lap. Josh raised an eyebrow.


"I'm gay, I have to put my feet up." Tyler said in a serious tone.

"What happened to you being straight?" Josh chuckled, remembering their conversation the first day Tyler showed up.

"Did you seriously believe that?"

"Not one bit."

The rest of the time, Tyler and Josh just talked and laughed at dumb jokes. Tyler eventually moved back to his original seat right before the headmaster returned and let them go back to their dorm.

Once they were there, Josh sat on his bed and Tyler smirked, fishing out of bottle of alcohol from it's hiding place.

"I say we deserve this after the long day of boringness we've had." Tyler held the bottle up and Josh's eyes widened.

"Dude, where the hell did you get that?" Josh stood and examined the bottle.

"My parents own a lot of this shit and its pretty good. I decided if they were gonna send me to this shit hole, I should at least get something in return."

He popped the cork out of the top and took a big sip of the liquid, sighing in satisfaction. "Try some." He offered and handed the bottle to Josh.

He took a sip and smiled. "Tyler Joseph I fucking love you for this." Josh smiled brightly before taking another swig of it. Then Tyler did.

And another.

And another.

And another.

Soon, the entire bottle was gone, but Josh only had a few sips, so he was slightly buzzed. Tyler on the other hand...

"Jish! Y-You're adorable." Tyler slurred his words out, which ended in him busting out into laughter.

"You are too." Josh said and chuckled at his friends behavior.

Tyler was currently straddling Josh's lap, occasionally grinding his hips down onto Josh's, but he swears it's an accident.

"H-Hey. Can I tell you a secret? But y-you can't tell J-Jish." Tyler whispered in Josh's ear and then proceeded to giggle.

Josh furrowed his eyebrows. He kind of felt like he was taking advantage of Tyler. But he shook the feeling off and nodded.

"I really, really, really like Josh." He said without slurring his words. Josh's eyes widened. He can't mean that, right? He's just too drunk to realize he's spitting out nonsense. Right?

"Like... He's just s-so nice and sw-sweet. And he's really pretty. I love his hair and n-nose ring, and h-how his eyes crinkle wh-whenever he smiles. He's just soooooo beautiful and I j-just wanna cuddle with him alllllll day. Ya know what I mean, Josh?" Tyler finished his mini rant, hiccuping at the end while Josh's mind raced a million miles a second. Tyler couldn't have feelings for him. Maybe he's just kidding around and everything will be normal in the morning.

"I just r-really wanna kiss you." Tyler said quietly and rested his head on Josh's chest, listening to his heart race quickly. "Can I?"

Josh bit his lip and stayed silent. Did he deject him or say yes? He really didn't understand his feeling with Tyler. He got really jealous when Tyler was so happy with Dallon, of course Tyler cleared up the question that was nagging Josh, but he still wondered if Dallon wanted to date Tyler again. Obviously he probably doesn't, but Tyler literally just poured his heart out to Josh, and here he was, pondering his thoughts.

Tyler picked his head up off of Josh's chest and looked at him. Josh suddenly grabbed the boy by the front of the shirt and connected their lips. Tyler would definitely not remember this, but Josh was ok with that. He wasn't exactly sure about what he wanted, but he knew he wanted this kiss more than anything at that very moment.

Tyler was quick to kiss back, his hand grabbing onto Josh's arms to steady himself so he didn't go completely ballistic and start jumping off of the walls.

The kiss deepened when Tyler's tongue shot into Josh's mouth, a small moan emitting from Josh's lips.

Josh's hands wrapped around Tyler's waist and he pulled him down so Tyler layed on top of him, the kiss intensifying even more.

Articles of clothing began flying across the room, and it was at that moment, Josh knew what he wanted.

All he wanted was to be with Tyler Joseph. 

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