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Please read the A/N at the end!


Orientation dragged on for about an hour before everyone was alowd to go to their first period class.

Everyone in the group seemed to get along, which made Tyler really happy on the inside. He was glad his friends sacrificed themselves for him, but he was also pretty mad. He didn't want them to be here for their senior year. He wanted them to be at a normal school where they could fun and smoke underneath the bleachers.

Tyler found out that Patrick and Pete were roommates, and lived on the tenth floor as well. Dallon didn't have one because his parents requested that he didn't get one, but he also lived on the tenth floor as well, so everything ended up turning out great. The group practically owned the top floor. They could do whatever without some goodie freshman snitching. They were the kings of the school since they're seniors, and the kings of the tenth floor.

Since they were such a big group, 9 people to be exact, they figured they wouldn't have every class together, but they were fine with that because they at least had 1 other person with them in a class.

For first period, Josh, Tyler, and Dallon were all together, which made Tyler really happy. Don't tell Pete or Patrick, but Dallon was Tyler's favorite out of their group. Sure, they used to be a thing, friends with benefits you could say, or even fuck buddies, I don't think either of them would care, but Dallon was super nice when he wasn't high, or in a bad mood. Patrick was soft, but maybe a little too soft.

Dallon was also a great person to cuddle with. He also gave awesome hugs, probably because he was tall.

The 3 boys filed into the back of the classroom, Josh managed to get the corner seat before Tyler, making him seat in between Dallon and the boy with red hair.

The guys made small talk before the teacher came in. He had brown shaggy hair that fell right past his ears.

"Good morning class, I'm your social studies teacher for the year, Mr. Trohman." He smiled and wrote his name on the chalkboard.

Dallon snickered quietly and leaned over to Tyler. "Do you think he has his own condom brand?" He whispered, making Tyler turn into a fit of quiet giggles, repeating what Dallon said to Josh. Soon, all 3 of the boys were uncontrollably laughing as quietly as they could.

"Boys! Do you have something you'd like to say to the class?" He narrowed his eyes and the guys.

Josh quickly stopped and sat straight up, clearing his throat. "No Sir, sorry Sir." He said quietly and glanced at the Tyler and Dallon who were quieting down, but still giggling from time to time.

The teacher glanced at Dallon, then Tyler before scoffing quietly and turning back to the board.

"Oops?" Dallon said quietly, half confused. His mind was still thinking of his joke.

Josh just shook his head while Tyler giggled one last time, before paying attention to the lesson.


Lunch came around, and Tyler had to admit, the food looked better than he thought it would. It reminded him of a home cooked meal.

But he wasn't hungry. So he managed to slip out of the cafeteria without being noticed. So he thought.

Before he left the main building, Dallon cam up behind him. "And where so you think you're going?" He asked cheekily, making Tyler jump.

"Jesus Christ Dallon, you scared the shit out of me." He whispered before pushing open the door, Dallon following close behind.

"Follow me. I say we deserve a little... Smoke break." Tyler smiled and walked to the dorms.

They went up into Tyler and Joshs dorm room so Tyler could grab the stuff. Once he got it from it's hiding place, they snuck back out of the dorms and went to the spot in the woods where Tyler had first smoked with Gerard and the rest of them.

"This is a great place to smoke. Did you and the other guys smoke here?" Dallon asked as he sat next to Tyler on one of the logs.

"Yup. Here, you roll it." Tyler gave the small baggie of weed to Dallon and let him do the work.

Tyler lit the blunt and sucked in the smoke, letting it sit in his lungs before blowing it out. He let out a content sigh before taking another hit and handing the blunt to Dallon.

"This is great. We have about 25 minutes so we should be good."

Dallon chuckled and handed the blunt back to Tyler. "Remember that time you smoked that entire blunt but yourself and came to school totally fucking lifted?"

"Oh my God, I called Mr. Smith a Twinkie and then ran out of class because I thought the Twinkie people were about to rise from the ground and murder me!" Tyler bursted into laughter and so did Dallon. "Ah, I miss normal high school." Tyler took a hit and handed it to Dallon.

"Look at this way," Dallon said and sucked in some smoke. "You have all of your friends, this place has great food, and you have a great spot to hangout and smoke. Honestly, this is much better than normal high school."


After 10 minutes, the blunt was completely Dun.

And Tyler and Dallon were high as all balls.

They were giggling like crazy at the stupidest things.

All of a sudden, Tyler heard a twig being snapped. He jumped into Dallons lap and looked around, eyes wide. "The Twinkie people are coming Dallon! Protect me!" He squealed and hid his face in Dallons shirt, making Dallon get on edge.

"Don't worry little one. They won't get you.


Dallon yelped and looked around the trees frantically, before his eyes landed on something bright red.

"Tyler, dude, don't worry. It's just the Dun sun." Dallon giggled and Tyler looked up.

"Josh!" Tyler jumped up from Dallons lap and jumped into Josh's arms, wrapping his legs around his waist. Josh was taken back by the sudden weight in his hands, but quickly wrapped his arms around the boy, supporting his weight. "You gotta help us! The Twinkie people are coming to kill me!"

Josh raised both of his eyebrows and looked at Dallon for an explantation. He just shrugged. "He's fucking lifted bro." Dallon commented. "So am I though."

"You guys smoked during lunch?!" Josh exclaimed, sitting down on a log with Tyler straddling him, still having his face hiding in the crook of his neck.

"No! We're not as think as you drunk we are... Wait..."

Suddenly, Josh's eyes widened once again when he felt a pair of lips attach themselves to his neck, sucking harshly.

"Tyler, what the fuck are you-" Before Josh could finish his sentence, a low loan escapes his lips, making a blush appear on his face.

"Yeah, Tyler gets really horny when he's high." His head snaps towards the voice. Pete was there, along with the rest of the group. "You better be careful and maybe not have him sit in your lap unless your looking to fuck him."

"I think he is though." Mikey whispered to the group, making them erupt into a fit of laughter.

"You guys do know lunch ended 10 minutes ago, right?"





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