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Day 51
I locked the drawers n cleaned the whole store, I got out n closed the store, it was raining, I saw Bobby standing outside his car without an umbrella, he had a black hoodie on n black baggy pants, I sighed n ran to him, "Bobby" I said, "hey y/n?" He said, "hmm?" I said, "d-do u...ah never mind" he said, "ok" I said, "so umm let's go" he said, "Bobby?" I said, "hmm?" He said, "do u want to tell me something?" I said, "no nevermind I don't let's go!" He said, "ok" I said, we arrived at my apartment, "ok we r here" I said n turned around to look at Bobby, "so?" He said, "so um u can go..." I said, "right ok" he said n turned around, my heart started beating, I wanted to hug him, I clenched my clothes, I gulped, "Bobby!" I said, "if u want to hug me then what r u waiting for" he said, I opened my eyes widely n blushed, "h-he..." I stayed calm, he turned around n came to me, he started kissing me suddenly, I gulped between the kisses, he sucked my neck n on the same spot again, I gulped n pushed him gently, "isn't it better than a hug?" He mumbled with a husky voice, I started sweating SM.

Day 52
I closed the store n ignored the fact he was standing, I was walking n he suddenly grabbed my wrist, I sighed, "y/n" he said, "wtf Bobby?" I said, "r u fucking insane!?" I said, "I'm trying to help u n u gave me medicine yesterday to fall asleep? Ok fine if u would gave me medicine just LIKe that to fall fucking asleep it would be ok but what u did afterwards I can't fucking believe u!" I yelled, "no fuck off" I pushed his hand away n went to my apartment.

Day 53
I was cleaning the store n he came in, "excuse me can u give me a cigarette" he said, I rolled my eyes n kept cleaning, he took the cigarette n left the money on the cashier, I closed the store n walked home, "y/n!" He yelled, I ignored him n arrived at my apartment.

Day 54
I closed the store n he was write beside me, he held my wrist but I pushed his hand away, "I told u not to touch me don't u understand!" I yelled, "fine fine babygirl" he said n made my heartbeat.

Day 55
I closed the store n felt a back hug, my body was trembling, my hands freezing so was my mouth, it was raining since 2 weeks, I hit his stomach with my elbow n walked away, he held my wrist n pulled me harshly, he hit me against a wall, he kissed me, I felt his warm lips, he grabbed my both hands n kept it inside his pocket, he played with my tongue, my heart never beated this fast, I gulped.

Day 56
He came in, I looked at him n rolled my eyes, I got up n cleaned the store, "y/n come on stop acting like that" he said with a very husky voice, I turned around, I came close to him, I had an annoyed face n pout, I looked at him n gave him a peck, I didn't smile n went away, I cleaned the shelves, he hugged me from behind, I let out a squeak, he giggled right beside my ear, he sucked my ear lobe n I flinched, I hit his back n pushed him out of the store.

Day 57
He came quiet early today, "do u know y/n" he said, "hmph" I said n looked away, "stop acting like a baby ur so cute" he said, "ew wtf cute? Haha funny" I said with a death glare, "ok don't kill me" he said, "so um what u wanna do?" He said, "I'm hungry" I said, he nodded n went away for some minutes, "I bring some fried chicken n ramen let's eat" he said, he put the food on the table, "eat" he said, I looked away with an annoyed face, "wtf?" He said, "ur such a motherfucker I can't believe I'm eating with u" I said, "ur a fucking rapist" I said n ate, he threw the ramen n went.

Day 58
I saw Bobby outside standing beside his car n was playing with his phone, I rolled my eyes n cleaned the store, I close the store, we both looked at each other, I looked away n walked home.

Day 59
I closed the store n saw him standing beside his car, I went to him, "Bobby" I said n sighed, "what?" He said, "fuck u" I said, he started giggling n pulled me in his arms, "I wanna see u in high heels" he whispered, I slapped him gently n smiled but inside my heart was beating so fast, "let me drop u" he said n grabbed my hand n locked fingers between mine.

Day 60
I yawned as I was cleaning the store, Bobby gave me a back hug, I flinched n my body started heating up, "hello!" He said, "hey" I said, he broke the hug n I turned around, "do u know 40 days left?" He said, "yup" I said, "so u know maths?" He said n I giggled, "omfg ur stuck with maths since day 1" I said, "yup even with u" he said, I gulped, "what was that suppose to mean? Something good or bad" I said, "NEvermind what do u want to eat?" He said, I shook my head.

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