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Day 16
I closed the store n he didn't appear, I was quiet feeling lonely, I sat on the pavement n grabbed my phone, I sighed n closed my phone, "he is honestly the only friend I have for now..." I said, "wait why do I even care?" I mumbled, "when did I start caring for friends" I said and got up, I arrived at my house, as I was about to open the door, I noticed a letter, "it's from Bobby?" I said to myself, "what kind of old school is he" I said and looked into the letter
"Sorry I'm too awkward n I can't text u or give a call my mom is sick I couldn't make it to u today" I but the letter inside my bag n got in, as I open the lights I flinched so bad, "Bobby wtf!" I said, "u broke into my fucking house?" I said, "what happened to u why do u look like u r all beaten up" I said, he shook his head, "I'll explain to u everything tomorrow I just came becuz I've promised u to meet u till 100 days so...anyways um I guess I'll be going now" he said with a husky voice n I nodded, he went n I sat on the couch with confusion, "he just said he was in the hospital his mom fell sick n now he broke in my house n why did he left a letter just becuz he is awkward? Who even beat him? Oh my fucking God y/n what did u got urself into?" I kept talking to myself in such confusion, "gosh this boy will lead me into many problems" I said.

Day 17
I was cleaning the store, I heard Bobby's husky voice, I turned around n saw no one, "wait am I hallucinating now?" I said, n turned back around to clean but I saw him infront of him n flinched, "wtf Bobby?" I said, he came closer making my heart beat, "Bobby stop plz" I said and pushed him a bit away, "do u um ice packet or package what fuckin ever" he said and sat on the chair he usually sits, I nodded n got him, I looked at his knuckles all bloody, "Bobby?" I said, "can u explain?" I said, "fuck my life" he said, "plz tell me!" I said, "I thought this as a joke" he said, "what exactly r u saying?" I said, "I'll tell u in 83 days y/n" he said, "fine fine..." I said, "but at least tell me what happened yesterday" I said, "fuck it" he said, "ok fine" I said n wanted to go back to my cleaning, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me, "sit...so um... I think ur my friend now even tho-" he stayed quiet for a sec, "Bobby I'm in such confusion can u tell me whatever ur talking about" I said, "ok listen!" He said, "so um I- um" he sighed, i got him water, his hand trembled as he was drinking, "ok sorry I won't ask just don't tremble" I said, I went back to my cleaning n heard him leave the store.

Day 18
I closed the store, I turned around n saw Bobby standing, I pretended I didn't see him, I know it's awkward but fuck he is right I would rather send him a letter instead of meeting him, "r u ignoring me" I heard him, I gulped n turned around, "I didn't see u" I said, "I know u saw me but ignored anyways" he said and came to me, "let's go see the stars tomorrow what u say?" He said, I nodded, "sure but bobby?" I said, "what?" He said, "ah nothing..." I said, "y/n" he said, "what?" I said, "nothing" he said, "ur so weird" I said, "ur weirder" he said.

Day 19
I locked the drawer n saw Bobby, he smiled, "hello" I said, "r u ready" he said, "more like r u ready to climb up?" I said, he giggled, "I think I'm happy with u" he said, "I thought this was only- but I think I'm started to get addicted to u" he said, "Bobby why r u so crazy ur always talking about things I have no idea of" I said, "ur right...u don't have any idea but u will know in 81 days" he said, "wow wasn't that fast Bobby?" I said, "what was fast?" He asked, "100 days n it's already 81 days" I said, "we still have a long journey" he said.

Day 20
"y/n!" I heard Bobby, "yes?" I said n looked at him, "do u want to go play games?" He said, "yes plz!" I said, "it's open until now let's go" he said, I giggled, we went to the play room n played on the big monitor screen n kept eating snacks, I sighed, "Bobby wtf r u doing" I said, "what" he said, "be fast n follow me" I said, "my friends suck at games ur much better" he said, "stfu really?" I said, "fuck ya" he said.

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