XLVIII. You Don't Own Her

Start from the beginning

I stood there, narrowing my eyes at them. "Aren't you guys part of the dance team?" I question, remembering seeing them dancing at a few of the rallies. I could be wrong, though.

"Yeah. We are." I'm glad I'm right. God, know how awkward it would be if I were wrong.

I nodded, "That's what I thought. I saw you guys perform a few times at the rally. You guys are good," I said, seeing their cheeks turning red at my compliment.

"And you're not as mean as people say," Larry said, and Galven elbowed him. "Sorry, I didn't mean it," Larry grunt out, rubbing his aching stomach.

I smile, "I'll take it as a compliment. Thanks again."

"Anytime," Ellerey said. "You sure you don't want us to stay with you? It's getting late and even with people around. It can get a bit dangerous. Plus, your friend really doesn't seem well."

I glance back inside the bathroom, not seeing any sign of Eli leaving. "That would be nice actually and if maybe you guys don't mind-"

"I got it," Galven proposed, hitting Larry's head.

"We got it," Larry spoke in a deadpanned voice before entering the restroom with Galvin.

I noticed how Ellerey was staring at me. "Is there something wrong?"

"It's just...you're talking to us. So, it's kind of weird."

"How is it weird?"

"Because you never talk to us, and we've been sharing the gym for practice for nearly three years."

I laugh lowly, feeling quite embarrassed that we did share the gym for nearly three years. However, the dance team would settle on one side of the gym while the cheerleading squad was on the other side.

"You're...not as unapproachable as you look."

"Do I look like that?" I asked.

He shrugged, shoving his hands inside his pockets. "A little," he responded. "But, every popular kid is unapproachable."

"From what I recall, the dance team is quite popular." What I'm saying isn't wrong. The dance team at our school did win more than a few competitions these past few years.

He laughed, running his fingers through his hair. "We're a little popular." He didn't bother to hide his happiness, "Not crazy popular like your crowd, though."

Eli stumbles out of the restroom with the two guys behind him. He looked at me and cleared his throat, "Sorry," he grinned, scratching his head. "I think I ate something bad."

I frowned, then punched his arm, "You scared me, shitless."

Eli looks at the three guys, "So, you three big strong men will escort us to our car, I heard."

Larry puffed his chest despite being shorter than Eli. "This way," his voice somehow deepens as he walks forward.

The other two shook their heads, and we began walking towards the parking lot. Eli did his little magic and quickly blended in with the three guys. The four of them behave as if they were long term friends; bestie.

Well, the three of them are probably besties.

"Shouldn't we do something?" the girl beside us said.

"We're two girls. What can we do?" the other pinched in.

"Is there something wrong?" Ellerey asked.

The girls' exchange looks, "We saw a guy being pulled behind the woods earlier. He doesn't look so...happy with the people around him."

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