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"Has anyone ever broken in here before?"

I shrug, "I don't know maybe"

"Maybe?" Joshua looks at me, "what do you mean maybe?"

"My coffee maker went missing once but then showed back up a week later, I'm fairly sure though it's was Muriel my landlady who came in and borrowed it."

Looking at me he shakes his head "well this could be a real person breaking in right now," Joshua whispers "I'll go check it out." Nodding I quickly agree, I mean he is the cop so technically he has to put his life on the line to save me.

Leaving my bedroom Joshua heads towards the noise we heard from the living room, and I hide behind the bedroom door listening. When he's far enough I can't see him anymore but I can still hear, "hey? What are you doing?!"

"Who the fuck are you?" I hear the voice and sigh dropping my head

"Jesus fucking Christ," I leave my room walking out to find Joshua staring at Trevor who's rummaging through my fridge, "Trevor! What the hell?"

"Hey Sy," he smiles then goes back to looking for food

"What are you doing here?"

"I called you never answered and I was starving so..."

"I'm guessing you know each other," Joshua turns to me

"Yes I'm sorry josh this is Trevor my best friend"

"Trev" I signal him to come closer, "this is the guy I was telling you about, remember? His name's Joshua"

"Oh right" he nods, "the cop." They shake hands "to be fair dude he only mentioned you once," oh my god I hate him so much

"Weird, he's never mentioned you at all," I look at the calm smile on Joshua's face then the shocked look on Trevor's face.

"Sy what the hell? You didn't tell him about me?"

Grabbing Trevor's arm I turn to Joshua "we'll be right back," pulling him out the front door I shut it "dude!"

"Why doesn't he know about me?" Trevor questions

"What the hell was I supposed to say? I have a best friend, our relationship is totally normal you have nothing to worry about."

"Wait you haven't told him about the—"

"No! But I know I have to, all right? I just like him so much and if I tell him he's gonna think it's weird and probably break up with me"

"You like him?"

"Yes Trev he's amazing, he's funny, he's interested in the things I have to say and Helen likes him."

"Wow she met him before me"

"That doesn't matter ok, just be cool and give me some time I'll tell him everything"

"Don't—" we stare at each other and he smiles "Sy don't tell him anything at least not yet, it'll scare him away."

I wish I hadn't listened to that advice.

"So everyone else including you guys have done their speeches and I still can't get a hold of Trevor," Shannon sits next to me saying during my rehearsal dinner. "I mean I'll keep calling but I doubt it'll do anything"

"Don't bother"

"Silas it's Trevor he has to be here," she keeps her voice low so Joshua who's sitting on the opposite side of me doesn't hear.

Saving TrevorWhere stories live. Discover now