MC 2 - you gave many tips to the students here. Will you show them some demonstrations.

Arthit - I am not sure. Maybe at the end ... I will try .

That was met will a loud cheering.

MC 3 - moving on to some personal questions. How is being the consent in waiting

Arthit - very difficult.

MC 2- prince.. Is it easy having your childhood friend as your consent.

Kongpop - its not at all easy. In fact it is more difficult than we expected.

MC 1 - do you guys often fight .

Kongpop - no. Actually we never had a fight

MC 2 - but what about the incident that happened 4 days back in front of the theatre. In fact it looked like quite a big fight .

Kongpop - that wasn't a fight . it was only someone being careless.

Arthit- excuse me... Do you mean I was careless.

Kongpop - if you were not careless. Then what were you .

Me and Arthit started facing each other and arguing.

Knot - my prince and consent . this is not the right place to have this discussion. Can we have it somewhere privately.

Me and Arthit ignored p knot's plea.

Arthit - fine.. I agree I was careless okay. You saved me right . and am completely alright . in fact I told you sorry many times. Why can't you forgive me.

Kongpop - I forgave you

Arthit - then care to explain why you have been avoiding me for last 4 days .

I remained silent for that question. I don't think this is the right time to discuss about why I was avoiding him.

Arthit - fine ... Don't answer me. Am leaving.

Arthit got up from his respective chair and started walking away from the stage. How dare he turn his back to me . who gave him the permission to leave.
I immediately followed him and caught his shoulder.

Wrong move kong wrong move.
One second my hands were on his shoulder . next second I feel my body being lifted and back hit the judo mat .. Thank god. I had a mat under me. With the force that Arthit slammed me in , I would have been bedridden at least for a month .

While I was about to get up from this position. Arthit towered over me pinning both my hands on the mat .
I saw my bodyguards approaching Arthit to free me.

Arthit- no one touches me if you don't want your prince to be hurt.

A cold stare by Arthit was enough for my guards to know he wasn't joking. He eyes soon met mine.

Arthit- listen here kongpop .you may be the future king . But right now you are my prince . and I am your consent. We are equal . So never avoid me . If you have any problems with me. Tell it to me face to face . Do you understand my prince .

He can be scary

Kongpop - I understand.

A small smile appeared on his face. He loosened the hold on my hand. Now it's my chance. When he was about to get up. I quickly pulled him and towered him. Now we are in the exact opposite position we were 10 seconds back .
Arthit laying on the mat while I tower over him with his hands pinned down.

Kongpop - you may be my equal and my consent. But never forget am your future king .don't disobey me. And  never. I mean never be careless and put your life in danger . do you understand it my consent.

Arthit- yes my prince

Kongpop - good.

Knot - that was a wonderful demonstration by our prince and consent. Let's give them a big round if applause.

Thanks to my guards who made a distance between us and then journalists. Not many would have heard what me and arthit were talking .

Soon We all were out of the training camp


As soon as we stepped out of the car . Arthit quickly made his way to his wing..
How can he leave me alone with my family who is ready to extract the last bit of information from me ...

Queen - Am very disappointed in you my prince . how can you keep avoiding your consent

Wah... Hey am the victim here .

King - but that does not justify the consent's act. He shouldn't have made that stunt . are you okay prince .

Kongpop - it was just a small demonstration my king. Am not hurt .

King - good to know that...

Queen - yes my king .

King - please make sure you explain to the consent about controlling his temper.

Queen - yes my king.

The king left the room leaving me and the queen alone .

Queen - you have anything to say my prince .

Kongpop - why didn't you guys make me train judo or any martial arts instead of horse riding and gun shot.

Queen - even if you don't know any martial arts. You have your guards to protect you and moreover now you have  a consent who knows enough and more about martial arts right .

Ya my queen... He is enough and more... You have no idea...
Ouch.. My poor back


Sorry for the late updates

Having stress filled days guys...

Anyways how is today's update... ?

Next update within 48 Hrs... Its gonna be a spl chapter.

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