"We missed you too daddy." Kylah smiled. It made her feel good to hear him say that to her. "Where are we going?"

"Wherever. I just wanna be with my babies." He said. "Hurry up kiddo." He smiled closing the door. She exhaled and her smile grew wider. She felt at ease.

"Yes!" She said happily as she did a little silly dance around the bedroom. She was just that excited. Suddenly another text came to her phone and when she checked it, it was no other than Austin telling her how sexy she was before he asked her to send him a provocative video.

Meanwhile Koren lay on the living room sofa feeling down about Chandler who'd left last night.

Meanwhile Koren lay on the living room sofa feeling down about Chandler who'd left last night

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"Babygirl get up and get dressed. We going out. Wherever y'all want me to take you." Jasper told her as he rubbed his hands together. You'd think he was the child being taken out by a parent. Koren looked at him but didn't utter a word.

 Koren looked at him but didn't utter a word

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"I still don't feel good. I'm gonna stay home." She told him.

He was tempted to take her to the hospital but he didn't want the reaction he started getting from her whenever him or Dominique got whenever they took her. They'd discovered when she was younger that she had latrophobia which defined as the morbid and irrational fear of doctors or hospitals. This doesn't refer to those who simply do not like these places, but rather those who are deathly afraid of them. Koren was terrified of doctors and the way she reacted towards them made both Jasper and Dominique feel terrible because they hated to feel like they were putting her through something traumatic. They felt as if they were harming her scaring her that way. However they had to take her to the hospital whenever she got sick because only a doctor could diagnose her and prescribe her with the proper medicine for an infection. If she even stepped foot in a hospital she experienced a panic attack. Her attacks sometimes included rapid heart beat, chest pain, breathing difficulties, weakness, fainting, dizziness, feeling a loss of control, excessive sweating, chills, and tingling or numbness in the hands or fingers. And it all started when Dominique had gotten pregnant with Jasper's third child and had to deliver a stillborn baby. Koren had been there and it traumatized her. Losing Karlee in a hospital too didn't make it any better either. She'd lost two siblings in a hospital. She even started to fear germs because getting sick meant having to go to the place she was most afraid of.

"What's wrong baby?" Jasper felt her head to see if she had a fever. "You don't feel warm. You sure you too sick to come out with me and Kylah?"

Koren sucked her teeth and got up. "I said I don't feel good. Damn. Take one of your other kids." She said with attitude as she wrapped the blanket around herself and headed to her and Kylah's room. Jasper clenched his jaw and had to catch himself because he was tempted to snatch her up for cursing and mouthing off. She'd fucked up his mood just that quick and before he went anywhere he was about to have a talk with her.

She had spent the whole night in the toilet throwing up. The little life growing inside of her was making her sick to her stomach and being a child herself carrying a child she didn't know if Chandler's suspicions were true. She'd never been pregnant before so she didn't want to assume that that's what her symptoms meant. She just knew that if she was Jasper wouldn't take that situation lightly.

• •

Well Jasper's POV is in the next chapter. While we know him and Persia are on the run the story won't just focus on that but other things surrounding his children that all tie together. 😌😌

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