Luca leaned back and took a sip of Marco's drink. "He's pussy whipped. It's his girlfriend who he had to ditch for work. So, I took the opportunity to get acquainted with my future sister-in-law." The entire table stilled.

I chose this moment to speak up. "Shut up, Luca. We only met a couple weeks ago."

He clicked his tongue. "He wants his ring on your hand. Trust me, I'm his brother."

I rolled my eyes and took a sip of the drink that was set in front of me. Luca introduced me to the rest of the group and, thankfully, none of them were as perverted as Marco.

I just nodded and smiled, swallowing my booze. After more shots then I should've had, the other girls at the table dragged me over to the dance floor. I took my clutch and let myself be dragged. Everything seemed happy and bright, I giggled as we all tripped over our heels. I let my body flow with the music, letting the sound control me. All my senses dulled and I barely noticed someone grabbing onto my hips and grinding against me. I didn't even look to see who it was and just continued dancing, letting the person's hands travel up and down my body. I danced, forgetting everything.

Forgetting Angelo.

Forgetting Nicholas.

Forgetting the smell of cigarettes that bothered me so much.

I was enjoying myself when I felt myself being grabbed and thrown over somebody's shoulder. I giggled as his hands tickled the back of my knees by accident. Giggling felt nice. Yeah. Giggling. And some vodka. That sounded nice too.

"Hey stranger, can I get a drink?" I asked the person who was holding me.

No answer came from him and I shrugged my shoulders. I think I was getting kidnapped. I don't know. Maybe.

Damn, that must've been some strong booze I had tonight. My brain wasn't even forming a proper thought.

Soon I felt the night air on my exposed skin and a familiar green Lamborghini came into view. I've seen it before. Whose was it again? It started with an A.

Adrian? Ashton?

"Angelo!" I exclaimed loudly, excited that I remembered. I remembered, just like Dori in Finding Nemo. I liked that movie. It was a nice movie.

"Don't. Say. Anything." Angelo said to me as he started his nice car.

I looked at him. He was really attractive. I unconsciously bit my lip as I stared at his jaw.

He had a really nice jaw.

"You have a really nice jaw." I traced my finger across his jaw line. He swatted my hand away.

"Aria. Just. Shut. Up. You're so damn drunk right now." I hmphed at him and turned to look out the window. He can be a negative Nancy but I'm going to be a happy Helen.

Damn. I was drunk. I played with my hair and giggled as it slipped off my finger. Eventually, my eyelids slowly started to shut. I was tired.

Yeah. Tired. I should sleep. I tucked my legs underneath me and let sleep take me away.


Angelo's POV

I glanced over at Aria passed out in the passenger's seat.

I knew she would be mad that I didn't go with her, but I didn't think she would be made enough to go with Luca, and then be dancing with Marcus.

Ugh, bloody Marcus. That douchebag. I never really liked him. I mean, I was a player too, but he just flat out treated women like shit.

Honestly, I was angry at her. Why did she really go to the club with Luca? Does she like him? I knew that he definitely had an eye for her. The thought of Aria leaving me for Luca sent a foreign pain through my chest. He was closer to her age, maybe she thought he was the better choice. And that he was more fun and all I did was work.

She would be right.

I haven't made time for her this whole week, and the one day that was supposed to belong to her, I was working during as well. I looked back over at her sleeping form and pushed away all insecurities for the time being. She needed to rest and we would talk in the morning.




Whoo! 2 updates in one day! Your guys' support is such an amazing, unexplainable feeling.

Sooooo, Imma give you a little gift... The gift of choice. (cue dramatic music)

Based on the last sentence, whose POV do you want the next chapter to be in?

And... (cue more dramatic music)

Would you like more frequent, but short updates, or less frequent, but longer updates?

Love y'all


Marco aka Francisco Lachowski-->

Forever His (Previously You Can't be Serious)Where stories live. Discover now