Chapter 6: The Secret

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A black cat is scene walking ontop of the walls of a back alley way as it looked at the bright moon on the sky.

"To think a Gamer is still exist to this day, and I thought that they're extinct."

Thr cat then leaps into the air as it suddenly morphed into a human figure and stands on a electrical pole.

"I'm gonna tell him to open up the shop cause we're gonna have a very valuable customer."

The figure then disappear from the night with the wind flows trough the midnight sky.

Day 17

Naruto was on his way to the academy but was stopped when a black cat was in front of him.

The cat was standing in front of Naruto and it began to signifying that it wants Naruto to follow it. The blond then followed the cat and it led them to a candy shop that had the names...

"Urahara Shop?"

Naruto enters the establishment and soon he's met with a man in a hat. "Hello and welcome to Urahara Shop. I am the owner of this establishment, Kisuke Urahara." said the man now named Urahara.

He then looked at Naruto and realized that he was expecting him. "Ah I was expecting your arrival, Gamer-san." Naruto was confused and he believes that Urahara is talking to him. "Wait are you talking about me?" Naruto asked Urahara.

Urahara laughed and then he went towards Naruto with a smile. "Of course I'm talking about you. It's been so long since a Gamer have come to this place, now that the Gamers have all been extinct. All but you. " This Naruto was confused for a moment. This man knew about the Tensai Gemā Bloodline and that Naruto have discovered that there are more Gamers like him but all were extinct.

This he and his mom will have a conversation later on and a ton of questions that needed to be answered.

The moment of silent came and soon Urahara had begun asking Naruto. "Now then back to business. What would you like to buy from this establishment?" Naruto then looked around and saw a sign that says

Potion now on sale for only 10 GPs!!

This Naruto was beginning to feel confused. What's a GP? "Uh what's GP? And I don't think I have any of those." He asked Urahara what it is and that the shop owner then told him about it. "GP is a currency that was once used by Gamers. If they wanna buy something then they needed GPs. And by the looks of it, you have none of them. If you want to know how many GPs do you have then check your main menu and there should be a sign in the bottom right corner."

The gamer looked at what he said and saw that he had zero GPs. "Looks like I have no GPs." Naruto stated. "Oh well. If you want to buy something then you need some GPs, but since I'm a generous guy with an establishment to run I'll give you a free package." said Urahara as he gave Naruto a present.

The present then disappears from Naruto's hand and a notification came. He looked at his main menu and saw that he's got a present. Naruto looked at the present and he has obtain a few amount of goods from Urahara.

You have obtain a gift from Urahara!

1: Potion (5x)

2: C. Potion (5x)

The present had five potions and chakra potions. Naruto then looked at Urahara and thanked him for the gift. "Thanks." "Don't mention it. It was a gift from me to you as you are the last or maybe a few of your kind."

Leaving the shop, Naruto then head towards the Academy. Urahara was eager to sell his stuff to Naruto and that he would be a useful to the blond gamer. "He's going to change the world, that's for sure." The black cat from before then began to speak to him. "Yup, he's just like (XXXX) however they're gone." said the cat.

The following day had ended as Naruto and Natsumi went back home. Momoka was in the living room and the twins have came back home. "We're back!" Naruto shouted. "Welcome home you two." Momoka said to them.

All of them had finished dinner and just before Naruto went back to his room, he went to his adoptive mother about what he had discovered.

"Mom I wanted to ask you about something." Naruto asked his adoptive mother. "What is it that you need to ask of?" Momoka questioned. The blond then began to tell her about what Urahara had said and about Urahara and his shop. She was surprised that Momoka had never knew that the shop was back in business but the most surprising is that Urahara had told him about the Gamers.

Momoka saw Naruto's face and he was curious about it. It was then she began to tell him about the Gamers. "Alright Naruto, I'm gonna explain to you about the Gamers. They were once people with a mysterious bloodline that can live their lives in a video game. They fought to protect and save the world and it's people. However, a war broke down and every Gamer there is have been extinct or a few remains alive." she ended there and left Naruto quite surprising.

Naruto didn't expect that the history of the Gamers wouldn't have been this much tragic.  He was beginning to think for himself that if he was strong enough to become king, then he would revive the Gamers.

"How did the war happened?" he asked. Momoka had a face of fear and then she told her adopted son what happened. "There was an argument between Gamers and that it created a war with those who sided with who."

She didn't want to remember what happened but if her son wanted to know about his bloodline then he should know.

Not trying to ask anymore, Naruto then left and went to his room while Momoka was struggling herself to not remember her past. 'I'm sorry (XXXX) I never should have left you there. I couldn't stop you.'


Somewhere outside of Konoha, a mysterious portal appeared in a forest. Coming outside of the portal was a young man in a cyan armor.

"It appears that he's here and hasn't awaken it yet. We'll coming for you, my King..."

See you in the next game...

Naruto the Gamer: Game Start (Book 1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें