💣One Hell Of A Party [1/2]

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Published: 07/26/2019
Requested by~ SaveTheRaccoons

     (Y/N) slouching over his desk with his right hand propping up his head, (E/C) eyes looking at the painfully dull tan color that was his classroom wall. It was Friday the last day of school before Spring break starts and everyone was ready for the much needed break, from the unbelievable hyped up U.A. students to the teachers. (Y/N) final class which was honors English was the only class he had that always had a shit ton of work every signal day. Though it seemed (Y/N) prayers were heard, because all day non of his classes had any work including honors English. The teachers just took attendance at start of class and then just played some random ass movie. Some students watched, other listened to their music, and mostly everyone were talking to there friends. The reason (Y/N) was looking at the interesting wall instead of the movie, was that it was some documentary that was extra credit to those who wishes to completely finish the work sheet, which was two pages long from front to back. To (Y/N)'s surprise a good amount of his classmates were actually filling out the work sheet, (Y/N) just didn't have a reason to do the extra credit. He wasn't passing the class with flying colors of course, but having a high B in the class wss more then enough for (Y/N). Instead of watching the documentary (Y/N) was thinking about the party that Denki was hosting after school to celebrate Spring Break? (Y/N) didn't hear about the party till today at lunch from Katsuki. It seemed Katsuki knew about the party since Monday when Denki first told his class about the party he was gonna throw. Katsuki didn't have any intentions on going, but changed his mind last minute, because he didn't want to waste his Friday doing nothing. So when Katsuki had asked (Y/N) if he wanted to go to the party with him, the only response Katsuki got was "Let me think about it." (Y/N) has never been a big fan of hugh crowds with his insecurities and anxiety always making him believe that everyone is watching him and judging him silently. Couple with the fact that mostly everyone at the party was gonna be from Class 1-A and 1-B, and since (Y/N) was from the General Education Department he was gonna feel really out of place. It was only a matter of time before the final bell rings and he knew Katsuki is gonna expect an answer.

Somewhere else

"You hit your head on the way here or something? Why the hell will I allow you to go to a party filled with U.A. students. You wanna get caught you dumbass?"

"Oh Shigaraki love isn't it easy to see? I just wanna have fun, cause chaos and disorder. I wanna know what kind of screams those heores will make, I wanna hear them scream bloody murder as I create a Massacre. I can give two shits about getting caught."

     A wicked grin was plastered on the hooded figure who was covered by the shadows. The only sources of light coming from the few windows in the building. The hooded figure was covered in raincoat that seemed two sizes to big for the figure. A hood covering figure's face with only facial feature that can be seen is from the nose and downwards. Along side that devilish wicked grin going from ear to ear.

     Shigaraki narrows his eyes on his comrade not sure what to do. Shigaraki staring at the off setting grin giving him slight goosebumps. To the right of Shigaraki was Dabi who was mainly there to make sure no harm was to come to Shigaraki. Dabi on guard never taking his ocean eyes off of the hooded figure, did feel a little unsettled.

Shigaraki has finally come to a decision and opened his mouth to speak.

Back at U.A.

     (Y/N) was taking in deep breathes trying to clam his beating heart, his hands were starting to get sweaty, and his left leg was going wild tapping the floor. (Y/N) staring at his desk, hands under the desk intertwined with his thumbs playing around, (Y/N) on the verge of dying let's out a sigh of relief has he hears the final bell and all of the students get up from thier seats and head for the door. It wasn't till (Y/N) was the last one left in the classroom was when he started to pack up his belongings. Once he was finished he got up from his seat and headed for the door, it was when he got to the desk closest to door was when Katsuki appeared. (Y/N) stopped dead in his track his heart beating faster then before, a pair of crimson eyes looking directly into (E/C) ones. (Y/N) has never been able to look at some in the eyes for to long before feeling uncofortable and turing his head the other way. Gripping the living hell out of the bookbag strap over his shoulder and cursing under his breath. Katsuki just standing at the enteracne staring at his boyfriend and was slightly annoyed that (Y/N) wasn't looking at him, Katsuki never liked that habit of yours. Katsuki never understanding why you're so inscure about yourself, when himself believes your amazing and perfect the way you are and would hurt anyone who dares to harm you.

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