Chapter 1: Just a little odd.

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A/N: Pic of what I would like Rose to look like, picture is not mine.


No this can't be happening, not to me.

I Rose 'Rosie' Molly Weasley am pregnant. I'm not taking it well, in fact 'I'm not taking it that well' is an understatement. The test has got to be wrong, maybe I didn't take it correctly.

Of course you didn't Rose, your the smartest kid at Hogwarts, thanks to your mother. I'm just going to lock myself in my bedroom toilet and never come out. Where did all your Gryffindor courage go, step up.

A knocking sound wakes me up from my dreamworld. "Rosie are you alright in there?" Hugo, my younger brother asks, just as I'm about to freak out. "Er... yeah I'm fine, just finishing up in here." I say not convincingly, so I open the door and walk out of my small bathroom and onto my bed, Hugo looks at me, shrugs and walks out of my room.

Only minutes pass when Hugo comes back in with Mum by his side.

"Oh yes you are right Hugo, she does look quite pale. Rosie sweetie are you feeling alright?" Mum asks me, of course I'm alright, its not like I'm pregnant or anything. "Yes." I manage to lie.

"Are you sure? Ronald get up here!" Mum shouts down to Dad, and seconds later Dad comes huffing up the stairs. He eats too much.

"Whats up Hermione?" Dad asks Mum, he looks around to try and see whats going on. "Do you think Rosie looks ill?" Mum asks looking at me, like I'm some kind of creature she accidentally ran over in the car, Dad looks at me and I smile awkwardly.

"Nope, she looks perfectly fine." Dad says finally, I sigh. "Ok then, now that is sorted, what would you like for dinner Rosie?" Mum asks and suddenly I have an intense craving for a cucumber and cheese sandwich. "I want a cucumber and cheese sandwich." I say without really thinking about how weird that sounds. "See she is ill." Hugo says humouredly.

"That is a little odd, but if thats what she wants the I'll do it." Mum says looking at me oddly. "I just feel like I should eat things that I don't like." I say, which make Mum look at me even more oddly, I smile. Mum shakes her head and walks out of my room with Dad and Hugo just looks at me. "What Hugh?" I ask. "You're weird." Hugo sums up, I laugh.

"And you're crazy." I say with a laugh, Hugo shakes his head and walks out of my room.

Wow great job Rose they won't realise that your pregnant, no not at all.

A/N: All of what you recognise belongs to J.K Rowling. Also I wrote this a long time ago and I will try and edit mistakes. I'm not very confident in myself but I hope you enjoy this. Also if you do Review please be kind as I'm still learning.

P.S. Bold bits are her thoughts.

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