XII: Red Spider Lily: Man of the Night (II)

Start from the beginning

"Is that the forest. You are artistic as always," he said. He got off from my shoulder and fixed his clothes.

Thank goodness, as I sighed.

"Thank you. By the way, how old are you and Ariel going to be this year?" I asked.

This has been one of the many questions I asked them every year. I wished he would tell me.

"I lost count. Nineteen probably," He smiled.

He opened the door and left me alone inside the loft.

"You said that last year and the year before that," I mumbled.

The same answer on the day I met them.

They look the same throughout the years, the image of nineteen years-old.

Youth and Beauty.


By dinner time, I stayed in the loft and finished the sketch.

"It looks like I improved," I said.

I drew my signature, cat ears from two reversed v's.

I stood up from the chair, leaving the sketch on the easel.

I sat on the couch that faced the window and watched as the snowflakes touched the trees.

Suddenly, I heard a knock on the door and Ariel entered.

"Dinner is ready Artemis," she said. She saw my sketch and as she saw my signature she giggled.

"It's a habit," I said.

I got off the couch and followed her as we headed downstairs.


I sat at the head of the table and looked at my clothes.

Thank God, I don't have to wear a corset. I'm so glad I only wear boys clothes. I hate dresses.

Just the thought if it scares me.

As I consume my dinner. I saw that there are many empty chairs.

Why do I have so much chairs and a long table when I am the only one who eats,  every single day. This is very irritating.

"Ariel and Adrian, can you sit with me when I have my meals," I said.

"As servants, we are not permitted to sit with the Master. Also we are in England," Ariel explained.

They still remained standing.

"You are family. My guardian and caretaker. My grandparents trusted me to both of you. If it wasn't for both of you, I wouldn't be here. I would be in Scotland as a novice in-training to become a future nun. Just because this is London, it doesn't mean the rules of the society applied to you. You belong to me. Not them," I said and waited as they surrendered theirselves to the chairs.

"If we are outside in front of the society. Then you can put on the façade of a butler and a chaperone," I continued as I finished my dinner.

"That was a great speech Khaine," Adrian said.

"I thought about that for months and I'm glad that I finally got it off my head," I said as I sliced my dessert.

"What is tonight's plan?" Adrian asked.

"Whitechapel," I said.

I put the red cake inside my mouth and savored the sugar as they melted on my tongue.

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