Chapter 9

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Trigger Warning: Actions of abuse are mentioned in this chapter. If you're sensitive to these subjects, please skip to the next chapter <3


          "I have to go home," whispered Clint as he quickly grabbed his things.

          "I'll walk you home." Pietro offered, confused at the sudden change in tone from the other boy.

          "No, no. It's fine."

          "Come on, Clint. Let me be a gentleman and walk you home."

          "Fine, whatever." Clint sighed and quickly walked out the door of the ice cream shop, not waiting for Pietro to catch up behind him.

Luckily for Pietro, he was the fastest kid in the country. He briskly walked next to Clint, trying to grab his hand, but frowning when the other boy quickly threw it down in protest. Pietro didn't know what was so bad about Clint getting a text from his father, but he decided not to pry. He assumed that Clint knew what he was doing.

Clint, in fact, had no clue what he was doing. As he nearly ran down the sidewalks to get to his house, he muttered to himself and thought about what he might have done wrong. Did he forget to take the trash out? Did his dad drink all the beer and is blaming it on him? Is his dad thinking about his mom again? Does his father know that he's on a date with Pietro? Clint tried to take deep breaths and stay calm so that he didn't freak Pietro out again.

          "Alright, this is it." Clint gave an anxious smile whilst standing outside of a house that was definitely not his. He didn't want Pietro to see his real embarrassment of a home and decide not to like him anymore.

          "I'll text you." Pietro smiled before leaning down to plant a deep kiss on Clint's lips.

Clint savored every moment of the kiss like it was his last day on the Earth. It might actually be his last day on Earth depending on what his father had in mind for him when he got home. Clint wrapped his arms around Pietro's neck and swiped his tongue along Pietro's bottom lip. Pietro chuckled into the kiss, but slowly opened his mouth and allowed Clint to explore. Clint didn't really understand why you'd want another person's tongue in your mouth, but he figured that Pietro would like it and did it anyway.

Finally, the pair had to pull apart so that they didn't suffocate. Not that Clint would have a problem suffocating in a kiss with Pietro, but he figured it would be an embarrassing way to go out. Waving goodbye to Pietro, Clint turned down the street and walked to the house that was rightfully his. Taking a deep breath, he stepped inside and was met with the stench of beer and mucus.

          "Where the hell have you been?" asked an obviously drunken Mr. Barton from the living room.

          "I was hanging with a friend, Dad." Clint answered, slowly approaching the figure slumped in the recliner.


          "His name is Pietro. He's new."

          "Another fucking fag. What did I tell you?" Clint's father snarled, shakily standing up from the recliner and grabbing an empty bottle on the table beside him.

          "Get a girlfriend and stop hanging out with boys. I like Pietro, Dad. Why can't you just be happy?" Clint tried to back away from the approaching figure, but was stopped as he ran into a wall behind him.

Clint's question was answered with the beer bottle being smashed against his head. Clint tried to dodge his father's next attack, but he was too disoriented. His father slammed his head against the wall repeatedly until the room finally went black around the young boy.


When Clint woke up, he was lying in a pearlescent white room with a crowd of people standing around him. He could see one of the nurses mouthing something to him, but for some reason, he couldn't hear what she was saying. His hand shot up to his throbbing hand and tried to rip the bandages off. Immediately, he was restrained and his familiar red-headed friend held his hand for reassurance. She also tried to mouth something to Clint, but he couldn't hear what she was saying either.

          "Can't hear you..." Clint slurred, hoping that the words actually came out of his mouth rather than him just imagining them.

Natasha frowned and held up a little notepad to Clint which read, "You're deaf" in big black letters.


A/N: I'm not trying to make excuses, but once again, I'm sorry if this chapter is not as well written as my usual ones. I had another health scare today and I'm constantly on-edge about whether another one will happen or not. Thank you all for understanding. <3 Katie

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