Chapter 4

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A/N: In this story, Pietro was adopted when he was a small child hence why he has silver hair and Wanda has brown hair.


A few months ago, Pietro and Wanda Maximoff's mother and father died in a horrific car accident. The family had been planning to go on a trip to the nearby amusement park when Pietro fell ill and decided to stay home. His parents had insisted on staying home with him, but he insisted that he would be fine and that they should go ahead and go without him. This decision would haunt Pietro for the rest of his life.

Pietro was sitting on the couch, pressing an ice pack to his scalding forehead when he heard the thunder of knocks on the door. Groaning, he got up and peered through the peephole, seeing two police officers waiting patiently for the door to be opened. Cautiously, he opened the door to let the officers inside.

          "Are you Pietro Maximoff?" asked the first officer. The officer had shifty eyes that seemed to be looking everywhere except for at the light-haired boy in front of him.

          "Yes? Is something wrong?" Pietro looked questioningly at the officer who still would not look him in the eye.

          "It appears that your mother, father, and sister were in a car accident this evening. They have all been rushed to the nearest emergency room and are getting the best care they can get..." The officer droned on, but Pietro couldn't listen anymore. His ears felt as if there had been cotton shoved into them and his head pounded as if someone was beating it over and over again. He was brought out of his trance by the other cop shaking his shoulder gently.

          "Honey, we can give you a ride to the hospital if you are unable to drive. Is there anyone we can call?" The female partner to the shifty-eyed officer seemed a lot nicer as she placed her hand on his back and rubbed circles.

Pietro took a second to think about her question, but shook his head as he realized that the only family he had were in the hospital currently. If they died, Pietro would be all alone again. They couldn't die. Pietro began to pull at his hair and scream as his knees gave out from under him. They couldn't die. Pietro would be sent back to the adoption agency and he'd never find a home. Nobody wanted some snotty silver-haired teenager; they only wanted the gargling babies or the fussy toddlers. Shakily, Pietro braced himself on the brick wall of the tiny house he lived in and stood up. Following the comforting words of the female officer, Pietro made his way to the police car parked in the driveway right where his father's car should be.

When Pietro got to the hospital, he ran to the nearest garbage can and dry-heaved. He had felt ill all day and hadn't had anything to eat, so nothing came out of his stomach except horrifying gags and coughs. All around him was the rank smell of blood and the squeak of shoes on the shiny linoleum floor underneath him. Eventually, he stumbled to the front desk and asked to see his family.

          "Oh, sweetie. I shouldn't be the one to tell you this, but your mother and father unfortunately passed away before we were able to do anything. I'm so sorry for your loss. Is there anyone we can call?" The receptionist tried to give Pietro a comforting smile, but the boy lost it and slammed his fist down on the counter in front of her.

          "No! There isn't anybody you can call! I only had my mom and dad! Why didn't you save them? Why didn't you do your damn job?" Before he could get an answer out of the poor lady, he could feel himself losing consciousness and the world turned black around him.

When Pietro woke up, he was lying in a white hospital bed with his sister next to him. He sat up and felt a pain in his right arm that appeared to have an IV in it. Carefully, he used his left arm to attempt to shake Wanda awake.

          "Wanda? Wanda are you okay? Answer me!" Pietro screamed, alerting the nearby nurses that rushed into the room. "Why isn't she waking up?" Pietro screamed at the slightly scared nurses.

          "Your sister is in a coma. We don't know when she is going to wake up."

For the next three months, the only thing Pietro could do was cry. He cried when they talked to him about the death certificate of his parents, he cried when they talked to him about going back to the adoption home, and he cried when they talked to him about possibly pulling the plug on his sister who still hadn't woken up. A week after the talk, however, Wanda woke up.

Once she was released from the hospital, Wanda took their parents savings and fled with her brother to America where they could start a new life.

          "Pietro? Pietro, wake up!" Pietro's eyes shot open as he saw the concerned glance of his sister looming above him.

          "Wanda? Is everything okay?" Pietro rubbed his eyes and sat up on the dingy sofa he fell asleep on.

          "I should be the one asking you that. You had the dream again, didn't you?"

Pietro sighed and nodded. Nearly every night since the accident, Pietro dreamed about it and woke up in tears and in a sweat. Wanda was there every night to sing the same lullaby that their mother had sang to them when they were children. When they had first brought Pietro home from the adoption agency, he cried nearly every night he was there. He didn't understand the love that was coming from the new set of parents that he had. He only knew the terror and torment of the other children at the adoption agency.

Pietro chose to be friends with Bruce because he was the first person to talk to him in the new school. Now that he had Clint, however, he might want to consider changing his mind about who he hangs out with. 

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