Chapter 3

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Minutes later, the rumble of Natasha's truck could be heard outside the house. Once Clint was sure that his father was asleep, he grabbed his backpack and made it safely outside of the house. Not bothering to lock the door behind him, he swung himself up into the truck.

          "What's your crisis for the day?" Natasha asked, looking over at her friend

          "Just got into an argument with my dad again. Can we go to Asgard?"

Asgard was the downtown bar that Natasha happened to know the bouncer of. As long as they behaved inside of the bar, they wouldn't get kicked out. That being said, Clint had to stop Natasha several times from fighting with a bunch of men much bigger than her. She would probably win, but that's the kind of scene that would get them kicked out and possibly arrested.

As they drove, Natasha turned up the volume on her weird French music that she liked to listen to. To many people's surprise, Natasha was fluent in three languages other than English- French, Italian, and Russian. Clint had only had about two years of Spanish in school before dropping out due to not understanding anything. The extent of his knowledge was asking where the bathroom was and a variety of curse words taught to him by a mischievous rich student in the class. Rich, but sure as hell brilliant.

Natasha reapplied her bright red lipstick before stepping out of the truck and marching to the bouncer, who gave her a faint smile.

          "Hey, Nick. Want to let me and my friend in tonight?" Natasha asked sweetly, flashing a bright smile to the tanned man.

          "Only if you behave yourself, Red. Your friend doesn't look like much trouble." Nick let out a hearty laugh before ushering the pair through the brightly lit entrance of the bar.

Inside was the familiar smell of beer and smoke being spread around. Clint spotted the usual crowd of men in the corner of the bar with a deck of cards flayed out on the table in front of him and the solemn drunks sitting at the front of the bar, presumably after being dumped by their recent fling. What was new, however, was the silver haired boy and chocolate haired girl sitting at a table in the middle of the joint. Was that Pietro's girlfriend?

          "Holy shit, Clint. It's Wanda." Natasha squeezed Clint's arm as she whispered in his ear and began to freak out.

          "Who's Wanda?" Clint questioned. He hadn't seen the girl around before, but then again, Clint didn't really pay much attention to anyone around him in school.

          "The hottest girl on the dance team." Natasha continued to make goo-goo eyes at the girl who seemed to be laughing at something Pietro said.

          "I hate to break it to you, Nat, but it seems like she's sitting with her boyfriend right now." Clint sighed at this statement. Another popular boy dating a presumably popular girl. Typical.

          "Boyfriend? Are you stupid? That's her brother."

          "Oh." Clint sighed in relief at the apparently obvious fact.

Clint turned to say something else to Natasha, but noticed that she had made her way over to the table with the siblings. Pulling all of the moves she had discussed with Clint, she had her shirt down to expose the tops of her breasts, she was laughing at nearly everything Wanda said, and she had her hand playfully on the other girl's shoulder. Clint just chuckled at his seemingly ridiculous friend as he made his way over to stand with her.

          "Wanda, this is my friend Clint." Clint smiled and waved at the girl who flashed a warm smile at him.

          "Nice to meet you, Clint. My brother has been talking about you." Wanda smirked at Pietro who turned crimson and began protesting the statement.

          "Did he tell you about how he and his group of friends beat the shit out of me in the locker room?" Clint took a swig of a beer that he picked up from an empty table and stared at Pietro.

          "You did what, Pietro? Excuse us for a moment." Wanda hauled her brother by the hood of his jacket to a nearby corner and seemed to be screaming at him in a language that Clint did not understand.

          "You didn't tell me that you got beat up today." Natasha frowned and squeezed Clint's hand, waiting for an explanation.

          "I didn't want you to get suspended again. It was just Bruce and his usual group of assholes."

Natasha frowned at this and looked away. She and Bruce used to be the most popular couple at Ultron High until she'd confessed to Clint that Bruce had hit her in the midst of one of their arguments. Rumors had spread around quickly and Bruce had only come out clean by telling everyone that Natasha was a psychotic bitch. Not everyone believed him, but his popularity saved him in the end and Natasha was ruined in more ways than one.

After the brief moment of sadness occurred between the pair of friends, Pietro and Wanda finally returned back to their table.

          "Say it, Pietro." Wanda seemed to be seething with anger at the younger boy beside her.

          "I'm sorry I hurt you, Clint." Pietro muttered and looked down at the table.

          "Trust me, if you fall into Bruce's crowd, it won't be the last time that you hit me." Clint sighed and looked at Natasha for reassurance.

          "Mind if I borrow Clint for a moment?" Pietro asked Natasha before leading the other boy to a separate booth in the bar, "Why does Bruce bully you?" Pietro appeared to be genuinely concerned about the issue that Clint had been dealing with for years now.

          "Why do you care?" Clint scoffed.

          "Maybe I can convince him to stop. If I become friends with him then I can show him that you're not worth beating up." Pietro explained before scribbling something down onto a napkin.

          "And why would you do that?"

          "Because my sister has a crush on your friend and she'd kill me if I screwed things up between them. Here's my number." Pietro smiled before sliding the napkin over to Clint and returning back to his sister's side.

          Well, at least he has a cute accent, thought Clint as he typed the other boy's number into his phone.

Gotta Go Fast - Hawksilver High School AUजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें