That's Us

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Hello, my beautiful readers! I just want to thank everyone for not only sticking by my side thus far, but also for being kind souls. Your positivity is contagious, and I'm very grateful for being able to have met you, to have given you a sliver of myself from this book. We're close to finishing... we've come so far, huh? I love you all and appreciate your opinion. Never forget. ❤️💕💜

Big thanks also to TheBrokenCharacter, who contributed to the idea for this chapter. You are amazing! Thank you again 😭💜

Y/N's P.O.V.

The monster kicks my ribs, sending me flying across the dark forest. It's barely light enough for me to make out its shape, sinister laughter echoing along the edges of the land of the dead. My arms scrape painfully against the ground littered with corpse remains, and my mind throbs with a surfacing migraine.

Still, I fiercely meet the eyes of my tormentor. It has changed forms, and the person looking back at me is none other than myself—my biggest fear. She smirks at me, "Do you remember me? Is the fear of my presence seeping into your bones once again, making it easier for me to possess your weak soul?"

"I'm not scared of you—" my confident smile makes it blink, as if confused by my reaction. I slowly stand back up, spitting blood on the ground. "—you have no control over me. Do you know why?"

The creature raised its eyebrow expectantly, and I rush toward it too fast. I know myself better than anyone right now, weakness and strength. I tackle the myself to the mud, and pin her arms over her head so she can't struggle. "Because," I lean in close to her ear, and she freezes. "I have a new, stronger fear. Losing my soulmate!"

I watch the wretched monster shriek with boiling rage, writhing in pain, trying to escape my grasp with the slippery feel of an eel. It changes into various forms at once, but I focus internally on destroying it. My mind is blank, untainted by the demon before me.

With one last, pitiful howl, it becomes dust, slipping from my fingers. I smile at the pile of its remains with satisfaction, hoping the God Of Death Shi watching. "I've danced with my demons multiple times," I smirk, dusting myself off. "You're going to have to better than that, Shi."

"Oh?" A bemused voice says from somewhere distant, sounding like it's said through a speaker. "I bet you can't say the same for your precious soulmate. Find him if you can. Bring him back if you can!"

My face pales, blood boils. I smile, "Challenge accepted."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Killua is already possessed by his demons when I find him, on his knees as if he's praying. His lids are closed, and dark clouds swirl around him in a protective barrier. The sound of thunder pierces the silence, nature's roar.

"Killua!" I gasp, rushing toward him. The storm around him suddenly becomes a cage, locking him inside with no possibility of escape. I grip the bars tightly, reaching out a hand in a futile attempt to reach him.

He can't hear me, I realize. My mind races with how I can save him. What kind of battle wages in his head? Didn't Zebezen say some soulmates haven't come back?

Even though the fate of my master and his shrine rests on my shoulders, I'm more concerned about my soulmate not dying during this mission.

A distant laugh makes me pause, and I know for sure it belongs to the devious God Of Death, Shi.

"I always find it hilarious how soulmates attempt to save one another when they can't even save themselves..." his voice fades away; however, before it disappears, I can make out Fukaba's protests in the background.

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